Harrisburg PA show anti-doe!!


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i went to the sportsmans show yesterday and was suprised by a big booth filled with older men handing out panflits and talking to everyone about how the game commision is doing horrible things. they were preaching that the game commision was bad for PA and should be impeached... i laughed at the old man and kept walking.

i went to the sportsman show to look at new products, guides, and trophy animals...not some old guy that cant shoot a spike running across a field at 300 yards.

i dont really want to start this debate again but it really ticked me off that they were promoting this during the show.

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Re: Harrisburg PA show anti-doe!!

Dude no offence but idk where you are in Pa but im guessing not around here because our doe heard is way out of "wack" Tags dont make it where they should be and the way it is right now i dont think we sould even be able to kill does next year the doe and buck season should have never been combined i feel it was a real dumb move on the PAGC's part now dont get me wrong i am a strong beleaver in the antler restrictions and have seen what they can do if they could only find a better way to manage the doe heard

(P.S you will be old someday just like those guys and still want to hunt and harvest deer so please take it easy if u stop and listen to them u may learn somthing they have been at it a lot loger then you)

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Re: Harrisburg PA show anti-doe!!


Dude no offence but idk where you are in Pa but im guessing not around here because our doe heard is way out of "wack" Tags dont make it where they should be and the way it is right now i dont think we sould even be able to kill does next year the doe and buck season should have never been combined i feel it was a real dumb move on the PAGC's part now dont get me wrong i am a strong beleaver in the antler restrictions and have seen what they can do if they could only find a better way to manage the doe heard

(P.S you will be old someday just like those guys and still want to hunt and harvest deer so please take it easy if u stop and listen to them u may learn somthing they have been at it a lot loger then you)

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well everyone is entitled to their opinion but i hunted all over the central and eastern part of PA this past season and saw a ton of deer. i hunted in probably 7 or 8 different counties. i saw plenty of does and ton of bucks.

i think the way that people hunt is going to have to change along with how the deer heard is changing.

yes i might be young but the older generation is less likely to adapt to a changing enviroment. the main reason for my original post was to say that i dont think that it is right to give false information based on their experiences to other unsuspecting and unknowedgable hunters.

i hunted all around Williamsport and saw a ton of deer. i didnt buy any doe tags this year because i chose not to take any. i can say that i did see a very big (deff P&Y) whitetail in the SGL over the mountain in Williamsport.

i think the PGC is doing just fine and PA is still in the beginning steps of a larger plan for a healthier heard.

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Re: Harrisburg PA show anti-doe!!

I think it's hilarious every time I read a post that claims that the writer has hunted all over the state and has decided that he knows exactly what the situation is across the state. Is there anyone besides myself who sees these kinds of assessments as being absolutely ridiculous. To sit there and imply that a guy who has actually hunted a particular patch of ground is nuts when he says that there are no deer where he is hunting or that his opinions are simply based on the fact that he doesn't know how to see deer. Actually it is just as silly sounding when it's reversed and some one who hasn't seen any deer declares that the whole state is being mismanaged.

Is there anyone here who feels that the state herd is so evenly distributed across the state that what they see on the few acres that they actually hunt applies to every area of the state? I think it may just take a bit more of a study than simply hunting a few different areas before you start doubting the honesty or hunting abilities of someone who has seen something different than your own insignificant sampling of observations. And that applies to both sides of the debate.


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Re: Harrisburg PA show anti-doe!!

well since your experience form your opinions then how else are you supposed to form them...read some post that someone else wrote about thier experiences?

i know that this debate is very dumb because the PGC will never be able to please every hunter in PA.

i think that i would rather have an opinion and express it then have none at all.

thats just me

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Re: Harrisburg PA show anti-doe!!

Dont get me wrong i still see lots of deer I however feel that the seasons and tag distrobution is the problem here there needs to be more effort put forth to study the doe heard state wide. But to the original point this is America and they have a right to be there if the want and who said that its false infromation thats the opinion they have just like u have an opinion the all differ you shouldent down play someone elses knowledge just because u feel its un-true unless u have hard evidence that they are wrong leave them be

this is only my opinion that from it what u will

and where are u from in PA?

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Re: Harrisburg PA show anti-doe!!

im from Philadelphia...go to school in Williamsport (last year)...family owns hunting property in Wyalusing (Bradford County)...and hunt in Harrisburg whenever i can.

i understand that it is their American right to promote thier opinions to other hunters but some of the information on their website and the information they using to attract supporters was pushed towards the line of being false. they were taking facts and minipulating them to make it sound like the PCG is doing a horrible job controlling the deer herd.

these people arent just voicing their opinions anymore...they are trying to take the PGC to court...which might end up costing all PA hunters a lot of money and aggravation. some people just dont know when to stop and let the PROs handle it.

i really dont want to argue about this anymore...it seems as though every week this argument takes place somewhere on the web!

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Re: Harrisburg PA show anti-doe!!


i went to the sportsmans show yesterday and was suprised by a big booth filled with older men handing out panflits and talking to everyone about how the game commision is doing horrible things. they were preaching that the game commision was bad for PA and should be impeached... i laughed at the old man and kept walking.

i went to the sportsman show to look at new products, guides, and trophy animals...not some old guy that cant shoot a spike running across a field at 300 yards.

i dont really want to start this debate again but it really ticked me off that they were promoting this during the show.

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I believe the key phrase that you used in this paragraph was "a big booth filled with older men"

that phrase right there sums it up for me!!!!!

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Re: Harrisburg PA show anti-doe!!



i went to the sportsmans show yesterday and was suprised by a big booth filled with older men handing out panflits and talking to everyone about how the game commision is doing horrible things. they were preaching that the game commision was bad for PA and should be impeached... i laughed at the old man and kept walking.

i went to the sportsman show to look at new products, guides, and trophy animals...not some old guy that cant shoot a spike running across a field at 300 yards.

i dont really want to start this debate again but it really ticked me off that they were promoting this during the show.

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I believe the key phrase that you used in this paragraph was "a big booth filled with older men"

that phrase right there sums it up for me!!!!!

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Remember this though! Without them older men, hunting would not be what it is today! I am not saying I agree with the USP! But just because them people there were older, doesnt mean they dont know anything! Like I said, I am not agreeing with USP, its foolish. Just your post about age is what made me respond. Repect your elders!


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Re: Harrisburg PA show anti-doe!!


I believe the key phrase that you used in this paragraph was "a big booth filled with older men"

that phrase right there sums it up for me!!!!!

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You may not wanna hear this, but...........maybe it's the "older men" who still remember what deer hunting used to be like in this state.

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Re: Harrisburg PA show anti-doe!!


You may not wanna hear this, but...........maybe it's the "older men" who still remember what deer hunting used to be like in this state.

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amen to that, you dont even have to be old to remember what it use to be like here in PA, I'm 23 years old and I'd give anything to for it to be like it was when i was first starting out a whole 11 years ago

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Re: Harrisburg PA show anti-doe!!


well since your experience form your opinions then how else are you supposed to form them...read some post that someone else wrote about thier experiences?

i know that this debate is very dumb because the PGC will never be able to please every hunter in PA.

i think that i would rather have an opinion and express it then have none at all.

thats just me

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Opinions based on observations are just great, and most likely are fairly accurate in the specific hunting grounds that you have actually hunted. However to take those opinions and assume that everyone who is experiencing some different situation where they hunt are somehow deficient because they don't have the same situation where they hunt, is just a bit silly.

I see it time and again, where someone writes a post that basically says, "I've hunted a lot of parts of the state and seen plenty of deer. What's wrong with you guys that can't seem to muster the skill to see the deer that I know are there"? It's pretty obvious to me that that guy would have to be putting in untold numbers of man-centuries of hunting to be able to accurately make that kind of statement. The season just isn't that long for anyone to have that much experience to be qualified to tell someone that they know exactly what the situation is where someone else has been hunting.

I always assume that someone who is telling me about their hunting grounds is probably completely accurate. He's the one walking that particular piece of ground....not me. I'm certainly not going to imply that there is something wrong with his hunting techniques just because the observations that he has on his hunting lands don't match my observations on my hunting grounds. Generally, I stay out of those kinds of opinions and let the year-end deer-take records for each area speak for themselves. I actually don't have any personal experiences or observations that can beat the accuracy of those numbers anyway.


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Re: Harrisburg PA show anti-doe!!

i do agree with you Doc...i understand that no one person can say that the deer herd is healthy all around the state. at the same time this is what the PGC has to do...their job is to find out what the deer numbers are around the state and its not like they can go to every little parcil of open ground and get a perfect number. that is one reason that i say that people should leave the PGC alone because they are doing what they can do make people in PA happy.

i know that we shouldnt say that other hunting tactics are less effective then another but i just think that with bigger more mature deer heard around...you wont catch them trotting through a field filled with hunters on opening morning of gun season. hunters are going to have to adapt to the changes in the deer population.

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Re: Harrisburg PA show anti-doe!!

The beauty of this whole situation is that young people still believe the state and the government are trying to help them. LOL

They weren't around to know what it was like when we were truly free. Can't blame them, but the only way to know is to listen to older gentlemen. And I betting that isn't going to happen.

In my experience, I own property. I manage property, I have food plots pay taxes on ground and lease ground. The deer herd has declined quite a bit. I can still take deer, but then I'm not letting anyone else on. Before long you will pay to play. JMO

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