Football over Bring on NASCAR


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Re: Football over Bring on NASCAR


Dang it's been a long off season!!!

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Didn't it just end???? NASCAR's been over with for what? 2 months? I don't keep up with it, but it sure seems like it just ended not that long ago!! I wish FOOTBALL lasted THAT long!!! frown.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Football over Bring on NASCAR


go harvick!!!

changed drivers this year... i cant stand jimmie johnson, he's reckless and a couple times he got away with cheating.. Harvick is straight to the point and if you don't like it, you can kiss his bumper. A hard nosed driver and a good ole country boy!

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At least one of JJ fan's has seen the light!! Good for you!! grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Football over Bring on NASCAR




Dang it's been a long off season!!!



Didn't it just end???? NASCAR's been over with for what? 2 months? I don't keep up with it, but it sure seems like it just ended not that long ago!! I wish FOOTBALL lasted THAT long!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah your right but I wish it was a year round sport. I can't wait to get the fantasy leagues going! I'm just into NASCAR more than the other sports out there.


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Re: Football over Bring on NASCAR

Hey Hillbilly

Harvick is straight to the point and if you don't like it, you can kiss his bumper.

A hard nosed driver and a good ole country boy!

Harvick is straight to the point ????? confused.gifconfused.gif

and a couple times he got away with cheating!!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Unless you don't count messing with your fuel cell

for qualifying cheating!!! crazy.gifcrazy.gif

(to make it look full when it wasn't)

He lost points & his crew chief had to sit out 4 Races. smile.gif


"March 15, 2005 in Race talk

29 CAR CHEATING shocked.gifshocked.gifshocked.gif

I'm sure by now everyone has heard about the 29 car getting caught for cheating. After qualifying the 29 car failed post inspection and had to start in the back. If you want more details on exactly what happened go to THATSRACIN.COM, they do a better job of explaining it. I want to talk about the way Todd Berrier, the crew cheif, handled the situation. He told the media that if they hadn't have run such a good lap that NASCAR would have never known about there cheated up fuel cell. Isn't the reason you cheat so that you can make a better run. I guess if your that far behind the field you have to do something to catch up. There is one thing I liked about the whole situation, and the way it was handled. Todd Berrier didn't beat around the bush or make any excuses about what happened. He basically admitted to the cheated up fuel cell and let it go." end of quote

Do you want catsup with that crow?

You out to know by now you can say anything you want to here,

but it better be correct.

Or some one here will let you know that it's not.

I think ALL Race Teams Cheat at Something.

Most just don't get caught.

Don't get me wrong, it would be boring if we all cheered for the Same Team.

Glad to see your enthusiasm for Harvick.

Harvick has deffinetly turned the corner to being

one of the more seasoned drivers in NASCAR.

But remember,

Just as Sargent Joe Friday always said

"Just the Facts mam" tongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif

Like they said above,

Can't wait for the Racin' to begin!!!!!

Stephen wink.gif

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