Question about Shot Plot

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Hey guys, its been a minute or 2 since I've posted. Hope you all had a good season.

I wanted to chime in & say that I'm amazed at how my .5 acre of shot plot has done this winter. Its really helped the deer on my property through this winter. I poured out a 100 lb bag of corn next to the plot waited 10 days and half the corn is still there. Under normal circumstances where I hunt, you pour out 100 lbs of corn its gone in 2 or 3 days, especially during the middle of the winter.

My question though, is will the deer eat the turnip bulbs to? Many of my plants still have big leafy stems & the deer are still eating them. Its just a matter of time before they are all gone. I have bulbs sticking out of the ground all over the place. Some are small & others are bigger than my fist. If the deer don't eat them, will they interfer with the farmer planting corn there this April? She plants that no till corn seed. So will I have to possibly spray or plow before she plants?

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Re: Question about Shot Plot

Pretty sure turnips will come back even if disced under. Was pretty satisfied here with how my winter plots grew, and the deer ate the greens some back earlier on, but quit eating them around the time our gun seasons opened. Think we had neighboring hunters baiting. Got tons of turnips here and the deer are not eating them at all as far as I know. Think we have too much other food still available maybe. Have watched them walk through the turnips and stop in the grass and eat the mixed grass and clovers in the field. Why dig up something when you dont have to I guess?

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Re: Question about Shot Plot

Now I have a question. I planted turnips once about 4 years ago and had them come back a year after I planted them in the same plot even though I did not plant them again. Kind of curious how the turnips came back the following year confused.gif Guess I assumed they reseeded.

Maybe some of the seed I planted the year before did not take and came in the next year somehow, dont know, but know I had turnips come in or somehow come back in about a year after planting them.

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Re: Question about Shot Plot


Now I have a question. I planted turnips once about 4 years ago and had them come back a year after I planted them in the same plot even though I did not plant them again. Kind of curious how the turnips came back the following year confused.gif Guess I assumed they reseeded.

Maybe some of the seed I planted the year before did not take and came in the next year somehow, dont know, but know I had turnips come in or come back in about a year after planting them.

[/ QUOTE ] I don't know what happened in your case but Shot Plot is an annual seed so when it matures and quits growing it will not reseed. If there is any turnips left over disc them in and they will be gone.

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Re: Question about Shot Plot

I too will have a few plants (turnips) that will survive the winter--but 95% of them die. I wouldn't worry about discing or spraying. In my experience when there is little natural forage available the turnips will get eaten--when there is still forage available the turnips don't get eaten and rot.

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Re: Question about Shot Plot


I don't know what happened in your case but Shot Plot is an annual seed so when it matures and quits growing it will not reseed. If there is any turnips left over disc them in and they will be gone.

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't know what happened either, and I did not expect the turnips to be there either, but I know they were and they were not replanted. Matter of fact, when my neighbor cut hay for me later that year(fall of 2004), he asked why we had turnips growing in the middle of the clover. That particular plot was a clover and rye plot planted in the fall of 2003, I had tossed out some turnip seed when I planted the clover and rye.

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