this weekends yotes!


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well i got home friday afternoon at about 4 and headed to the rifle range as quick as i could. well it only took me 4 shots to sight in the 22-250. i went out to a ranch that is owned by a man in our church. well first set i was only there about 2 mins and i looked to my right and there was a coyote trottin towards me at about 20 yards. he smelled me and took off trottin down the hill. first shot hit him in the leg and second shot finished him. then i headed to another spot where my little brother shot his first yote but no luck. third set i didnt call in anything but i had about 15 coyotes in different packs howling around me. i headed towards the pack in front of me and i set up in some rocks. well i called for a few mins and sat there. i decided to go somewhere else but when i stood up a coyote howled and i looked over and could see her about 3/4 mile away. well i pulled out the bipod legs and hit the dirt. i started calling and she came a runnin. i didnt think i was goin to be able to stop her. one shot in the boiler room was all it took. it blew a huge hole though. then come to find out the taxidermist that was buying unskinned coyotes isnt takin them anymore. i thought i was goin to make some money. well here are the pics.

these two pics are of the first coyote i shot. it was cold. about -10 without the wind and it was blowing about 20 mph.



here is a pic of the second one. you can kind of get an idea of how big the hole is by all the blood.


and here is a pic of my new 4-wheeler and the two yotes on it.


i get 5 days off of school this week so im goin to be after em again.

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