Finally got out but not what i wanted


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well we got about 6 inches of the fluffy stuff today, and we decided to go for yotes this afternoon, havent been out yet this year, well my buddy has permission to go somewhere, but the kick is he says the people said we had to use our .22's for some dang reason, and i was kinda bummed cause i wanted to take my new .22-250, and i also didnt want to use a .22, but anyways, gotta do what ya can do, so we head out there and fire a couple shots at 50 yds from both our .22's to check accuracy, their on, so we gear up and head down, first stand we made on a corner of a beanfield with some yote tracks started with some howls and gave it some time, then i started on the cottontail, doing my sequence, well after bout 30 minutes we decide to go make another stand, we head over to a swamp on the other side of the property, seen some tracks going through the snow, so we set up on the backside of the swamp in the woods in a clearing of the trees, we get settled in i hit the cottontail, and 45 seconds in im looking one way and i look over and my buddy is dialed in, but i cant see, and he fires, right in the head, ole wiley starts spinning and barking, hes down, we stand up head over and dang thing gets up we draw up and my buddy fires again and roles him, hes down again, bam back up again he goes tearing off my buddy unloads his clip out of his ruger and im trying to follow in my scope but to many trees i got one shot off but missed, we walked over and started bloodtrailing the yote we followed it for about .5 mile and lost blood, we followed the tracks but then it got to dark and we lost the trail, but all and all a good hunt, wish we'd put him down, but o well, gonna talk to the people here again and see if they will let me use my .22-250, ill be back there

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Re: Finally got out but not what i wanted

definetly get out the .22-250. thats what i used this weekend with just some 45gr hollowpoints and it blew huge holes in them. not really waht i was hoping for. i was going to sell them but the guy i sell them to wasnt taking them anymore so oh well. next year ill have to get something that wont blow them up.

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Guest Dirtydog

Re: Finally got out but not what i wanted

Some land owners are against high power rifles. My .22 mag will bang flop a yote out to 125 yards. I can't remember ever losing a dog with that .22 mag where I definatly have lost some with the .223.

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