NY Residents/hunters/trappers-Please Read


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January 25, 2007

Governor Spitzer announces that he has selected Assemblyman Alexander “Pete” Grannis as the new Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation.

Assemblyman Grannis has served on the NYS Assembly Environmental Conservation Committee since the mid 1970s and is a strong advocate for a clean environment. He is also known as an opponent of trapping. He fly-fishes and has a mixed record on hunting issues.Governor Spitzer has seen fit to fill the vacant Head of the NYSDEC job with someone who is not fit for the position. He chose Pete Grannis.

Pete Grannis is anti-hunting, anti-trapping, anti-second amendment and anti-firearm as well...How can anyone in their right mind(Gov Spitzer) appoint such a man to a position that is very important to such issues...

I copied this this petition address from another web-site. It is the least that we can to do to let Gov. Spitzer know how we feel.


On top of signing the petition, all concerned NYers should also send letters or contact the offices of the Governor, Assemblymen and Senators...Good luck...Looks like we might need it.

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Re: NY Residents/hunters/trappers-Please Read

So, where is the NRA and all the other sportsmen's groups of NY. In a situation like this, I would expect to be inundated with all kinds of legislative alerts from these guys. I'm willing to bet that a huge percentage of NY hunters have absolutely no idea just what is going on and exactly what is at stake. I thought that was one of the main reasons we belong to these organizations, so that they can make us all aware when pressure is necessary. I'm a bit disappointed in all of them.


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Re: NY Residents/hunters/trappers-Please Read

By the way, I hope we are not simply signing this petition and thinking that the job is done. It is still important that we each contact our individual legislators. That is where you will get the most bang for your buck.

One thing I could not find on the petition website was exactly who the petition was being sent to and exactly how it would be introduced to the state senate. So, it's hard to assess just how effective it will be. I signed the petition, but I have also hedged my bets with letters to my assemblyman and state senator. I know that the issue will be settled by the senate alone, but I sent a letter to my assemblyman just so he is aware of my opinion on this nomination.

Another observation: I see the count is now up to 1691. We had better be able to do a whole lot better than that if this petition is to be taken seriously.


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Re: NY Residents/hunters/trappers-Please Read

Here's an update from another board.

Some good news.

Well, the slim chance we have to block the Grannis nomination is no longer so slim

From the NYSCC Region 9 Director:


Are you concerned about the appointment of Alexander

B. Grannis to Commissioner of the NYSDEC. I called

some area legislators to find out how many people

called to oppose Mr. Grannis for commissioner. All the

calls were opposed to Grannis as commissioner. The

number of calls or letters they received varied from

one to a high of fifty for a Niagara County Senator.

Senator Marcellino, Chairman of the Environmental

Committee office said they received many calls voicing

concern over the appointment of Mr. Grannis.

They also heard concerns from some Western New

Legislator too. Have you called and expressed your

feeling about Mr. Grannis?

While you are at it send New York State Conservation

Council President, Harold Palmer and Legislative Vice

President, Wally John your feeling about a new

Commissioner. There is no date set for the

confirmation of commissioner yet. Although, there

seems to be a concern to get it started because of

budget concerns, etc.

[email protected]

[email protected]

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