Remington 204!

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Re: Remington 204!

The .204 is getting press as a FLAT long range varmint round. Honestly, ive never shot one. I almost picked one up at a gun show last weekend but I let it go (he didn't want to dicker).

From what ive read out past 150, they are still deadly and very flat. Take a look at the trajectory charts below... Those puppy's are bad!

Here is a little information from Winchesters website.

Rifle Loads


Cartridge 204 Ruger

Bullet Wt. Grs. 34

Bullet Type Hollow Point

CXP Guide No. -

Barrel Length (in) -

Velocity in Feet Per Second (fps)

Muzzle 4025

100 3339

200 2751

300 2232

400 1775

500 1393

Energy in Foot Pounds (ft-lbs.)

Muzzle 1223

100 842

200 571

300 376

400 238

500 146

Trajectory, Short Range Yards

50 -0.3

100 0.2

150 0

200 -1.2

250 -3.5

300 -7.3

400 -

500 -

Trajectory, Long Range Yards

100 0.8

150 0.9

200 0

250 -2.0

300 -5.5

400 -18.1

500 -42.0

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Re: Remington 204!

Congrats on the new rifle!!!!

I have had a .204 for just over 2 years now and absolutely love it. Its deadly past 300 yards and theres rarely much pelt damage. Keep in mind shot placement is essential with this little round. A marginal shot on a coyote might cause you to track one alot farther than you might normally.

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Guest abster71

Re: Remington 204!

if your looking for a prarie dog gun check out the low pro or the exteme long range by savage that's my next gun gun alone is 12 lbs 1" solid barrel I have low pro in 223 awsome too heavy for yotes tikka t3 lite does that job

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