Post Rut Slump


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Well me and a good buddy of mine headed out this past thursday in hopes of encountering ol' mossy horns in a muzzy moment... however this hunting trip didnt turn out as planned... we were shut out. As you know it is late december and the deer in Oklahoma are in their post rut stage. I had done quit a bit of scouting and decided to move my stand to the area where I had shot my 10-point during rifle season. There was a hard frost on the ground both mornings that I went out.. in fact it was the coldest it had been since I began hunting those bruisers this year.

The first morning I sat for 4 hours and didnt see a thing.. 'cept for squirrels and tons of song birds. This really surprised me as it had been a hot spot just 3 weeks earlier. I had seen tons of smaller bucks and plenty of does from that stand, however I decided to move my stand where I had shot my other deer.

From the trailcam pics taken at this locale there seemed to be quite a few does coming in to the little winter wheat plot hidden back in the trees. Since we are doing deer management and still have 15 does to take I was really hoping to arrow at least three this trip... I ONLY SAW TWO! Both of which were at about 75 yards in thick woods across the plot.

Tonight I ended my last hunt with a humble dissapointment wondering where it had all gone wrong. I was so surprised to see how an area that was once a hotbed for deer...totally abandoned. Rifle season had been over for a couple weeks so I figured the deer wouldnt be too skiddish.. my how I was wrong.

I hope someone else out there feels my pain as there are only a couple of weeks left of bow season in Oklahoma. Much of which I will be dedicating to the holidays. I suppose that there is always next year.. but I wonder where I went wrong.

Does anyone have any post-rut tips? Perhaps there are some rocks that I have yet to turn over.

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Re: Post Rut Slump

hunting either food plots or around feeding areas is a great place to be hunting right now--especially in the evening. Hunting between bedding areas and food sources is great for morning hunts. The late bow season has always been a tough time for me also.

good luck


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