Teddy Roosevelt on Immigration


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Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be NO divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but ONE flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

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Guest Hunter36

Re: Teddy Roosevelt on Immigration

I agree completely with Teddy... He also made this statement....

"Every immigrant who comes here should be required within five years to learn English or leave the country."

– Theodore Roosevelt, Kansas City Star (April 27, 1918

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Guest michael_bolton

Re: Teddy Roosevelt on Immigration

what's the point of coming to a country and NOT learning the language? the only reason I can see is either you are learning disabled or just too lazy.

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Guest WhiskeyMan44

Re: Teddy Roosevelt on Immigration

I agree as well that immigrants should learn and be taught the English language. Though I'm sure that the reason it is hard for immigrants to learn our language has absolutely nothing to do with being "learning disabled or just too lazy." That's assuming these people are either mentally handicapped or have all the time in the world and the means to learn the language, but just dont care. Often these people come here out of sheer necessity. They dont have time before leaving their country to learn English. Now, when they get here, they also often lack sufficient funds to live very long. This requires them to seek out work immediately to feed their families and provide a living arrangement. And it's not all that simple finding places to learn English either. Most of these ESL classes cost money to enroll in. Now with working jobs that dont pay well because you cant speak the language, which slows your training, and hurts your progression to decent paying jobs, affording this chance to learn can be difficult. Life isnt easy for these folks and they often work just as hard if not harder than us ourselves. The only difference is they're working from a distinct disadvantage.

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Re: Teddy Roosevelt on Immigration


I agree as well that immigrants should learn and be taught the English language. Though I'm sure that the reason it is hard for immigrants to learn our language has absolutely nothing to do with being "learning disabled or just too lazy." That's assuming these people are either mentally handicapped or have all the time in the world and the means to learn the language, but just dont care. Often these people come here out of sheer necessity. They dont have time before leaving their country to learn English. Now, when they get here, they also often lack sufficient funds to live very long. This requires them to seek out work immediately to feed their families and provide a living arrangement. And it's not all that simple finding places to learn English either. Most of these ESL classes cost money to enroll in. Now with working jobs that dont pay well because you cant speak the language, which slows your training, and hurts your progression to decent paying jobs, affording this chance to learn can be difficult. Life isnt easy for these folks and they often work just as hard if not harder than us ourselves. The only difference is they're working from a distinct disadvantage.

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A lot of them also dont work, dont show up to work to attend immigration rallies, and dont want to learn the language because its the perfect excuse for doing things the easy way. I work all around them every day. The ones who care DO learn the language because really its not that tough for them. there around it all day. Considering most of them come to this country by jumping the fence whenever they please its pretty easy to learn the language before they come. And last the support systems they have provide for them as soon as there over the fence. They live ten to an apartment beg things out of us and send ALL the money back to mexico. How many of these people do you think show up with a family?? i can tell you less than 40% if you ask a mexican where his family is he points south, or says one at home one still in mexico.

The feelings you show here are EXACTLY how they want you to feel, it means one more extra thing they can get out of you.

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Re: Teddy Roosevelt on Immigration


I can understand that some of the immigrants may be trying to better their situation in life, or their families situation...but I can't excuse them doing that illegally and at the expense of the American public.

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I agree. There may be people out there dealing drugs, stealing, or blackmailing others to provide a good living for their families. But I sure don't think that makes their actions any more excusable. They're still breaking the law, just like someone who enters this country illegally.

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Re: Teddy Roosevelt on Immigration

Yeah. Try being a drug dealer in this country, assembling in public to demondtrate the fact that you're a drug dealer and get police protection while you're demonstrating......then being recipient of gov't. program $$ because you're a drug dealer. Probably wouldn't have too much luck at that. But it's exactly what the illegal immigrants are doing.........all of it..........and right under our stupid noses. mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

I'd post how I really feel about illegal immigration. But I can't do it within the confines of what our forum would deem acceptable.

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Guest WhiskeyMan44

Re: Teddy Roosevelt on Immigration

Whoa whoa whoa fellas. Nothing on this post was about illegal immigrants. I was talking about legal immigrants. As was Teddy Roosevelt. I'm talking about legal immigrants working to support their families, wether they send the money back to another country or not. I dont see any fault in that.

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Guest michael_bolton

Re: Teddy Roosevelt on Immigration


I agree as well that immigrants should learn and be taught the English language. Though I'm sure that the reason it is hard for immigrants to learn our language has absolutely nothing to do with being "learning disabled or just too lazy." That's assuming these people are either mentally handicapped or have all the time in the world and the means to learn the language, but just dont care. Often these people come here out of sheer necessity. They dont have time before leaving their country to learn English. Now, when they get here, they also often lack sufficient funds to live very long. This requires them to seek out work immediately to feed their families and provide a living arrangement. And it's not all that simple finding places to learn English either. Most of these ESL classes cost money to enroll in. Now with working jobs that dont pay well because you cant speak the language, which slows your training, and hurts your progression to decent paying jobs, affording this chance to learn can be difficult. Life isnt easy for these folks and they often work just as hard if not harder than us ourselves. The only difference is they're working from a distinct disadvantage.

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No offense Whiskeyman, but do you speak another language?? I do, and trust me it didn't happen overnight, but it does take effort to learn it. If I spoke English in the country I stayed in people considered that rude and unacceptable, most people in the US also consider this an English speaking country. As for being lazy, well if you don't take the time to learn or try, I consider that either stupid or lazy. Also coming from a Hispanic, trust me, they can learn English but hold themselves back by staying in a comfort zone. yes they come here for a better life, that is admirable, but at tax payers expense, and the expense of some honest Americans losing their livelihood due to identity theft, that is not admirable. Not to say they all steal identities, but keep in mind it is not easy to find higher paying job without cutting corners.....is this yours or my fault? No, it is their government's fault, whether it be Mexico, Guatemala, or Puerto Rico.

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Guest michael_bolton

Re: Teddy Roosevelt on Immigration


I can understand that some of the immigrants may be trying to better their situation in life, or their families situation...but I can't excuse them doing that illegally and at the expense of the American public.

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That is two things we agree on Mr Muggs...couldn't have said it better myself

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