Which Reddot??


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Re: Which Reddot??

I've got $29 BSA 30mm on my Super X2 and the Mrs.' 870 Turkey. Always figured I'd replace them with a good sight when they broke. Her's is going into its 8th spring and mine its 7th. Never had to re-adjust either one of them...just a new battery each spring as preventative maintainence. I have no complaints about them at all. Maybe someday............when one of them breaks.............I can get a "good" sight. grin.gif

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Guest turkeyhntr

Re: Which Reddot??

I have the BSA and the Red Head 30mm...

I have had great luck from both...love them and I would stay away from TRUGLO...take them out on a good sunny day and you should see why...I like the 30mm overall also for what that is worth...buy what you like...I think all will hold up as far as quality goes...You will love the RED DOT...

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Re: Which Reddot??


I've never felt the need to use a scope while turkey hunting... Normal or corrected-to-normal eyesight does just nicely...

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I never did either..............until I tried it. grin.gif

I always made fun of the guys with optics on a shotgun. Gave them a terrible hard time. Then my Mrs. started turkey hunting. She had a hard time focusing her eyes on two beads and a turkey's head. So I set her up a reddot on her 870. I did all the initial pattern & sight-in. I couldn't believe how perfectly I could adjust the dot to center the pattern density on the target. No more aiming "a little low" or "a tad left". Put the red on the head and the turkey gets dead. grin.gif So, the next spring I put one on my new SX2 and it's been there 7 years happily ever after. laugh.gif

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Re: Which Reddot??


I always made fun of the guys with optics on a shotgun. Gave them a terrible hard time.

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I'm not that anti-optics.... I'm just afraid I'd break the thing off the way I get around out there while chasing toms....


I never did either..............until I tried it.

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I'm too scared to try one...

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Re: Which Reddot??


I've never felt the need to use a scope while turkey hunting... Normal or corrected-to-normal eyesight does just nicely...

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I used to feel the same way too. An older avid turkey hunting friend of mine kept telling me how great they were. Then came the 3 successive seasons where I missed 4 turkeys. I still killed birds but missing at the rate of 1 out of 3 sucked! Each time I missed he'd rag me about putting a scope on my shotgun. After missing a 2nd bird that 3rd year I finally heeded his advice. Only thing different was I selected a holosight rather than a scope. WOW what a difference.

Adjust the red dot in the center of the red circle of the holosight right to the center of the pattern. Didn't matter what position your head was in, if you see the red sight on the clear screen...it's on where the pattern will hit. Doesn't matter what position your head is in at all. No fogging up problems with a holosight either. An added bonus I didn't bank on is being able to see the entire turkey when you sight in on them rather than whatever was left above the bead and the barrel. Another added bonus was being able to look through a sight above the barrel instead of having to crouch down lower to aim down the barrel while it was steadied on top of my knee. I've had that sight on my turkey gun now for...hummm 7, 8, or 9 years. Can't remember for sure how long because time flies when you're having fun and not missing. wink.gif

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Re: Which Reddot??


I'm not that anti-optics.... I'm just afraid I'd break the thing off the way I get around out there while chasing toms....

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I've been known to get a tad intense, myself, when I'm locked in on a gobbling bird. I've yet to break the thing. Even if it did break..........the B-Square saddlemount the reddot sits on can be looked under and you could still use the gun's bead for sighting.

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Re: Which Reddot??

I hunt with a mossburg 835 and it is heavy I put a scope on it because a friend suggested it and I like very much. Plus it gives me that added weight I need for a good work out I so desperately need. This gun has been fondly referred to as a tank because it weighs so much and because it shoots like one.

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