got my first coyote today!!! PICS

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Iv been waiting for deer season to end so i could try to hunt some coyotes so today i went coyote hunting for the first time and got one! i got set up and called a couple times with my rabbit screamer then just waited about five minutes and i saw her comming at a dead run right to me. she came right into 30yds and stopped with her head behind a tree and i had the crosshairs on her heart/lungs but i wanted a headshot because i had my 17hmr.. a few more steps and i dropped her in her tracks... not bad for my first yote hunt ever!! heres a pic


i want to get the hide tanned but im afaid to skin it because i dont want to mess it up but i cant get ahold of any taxidermist today.. not sure what to do

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Guest cozscooter

Re: got my first coyote today!!! PICS

shot mine in nov feels good i hooped and hollerd like a 12 yr old and **** i am 37 great job your dad raised ya rite tip my hat to him will ya

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