New Job Oppurtunity.


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Well my uncle just called and said he has a job oppurtunity for me. He works for Consumers Energy and they have a meter reader position available.

The only problem i have with it is, it is 3 hrs away from where i live now and away from my parents. crazy.gif I would be working in Cheboygan which is close to the mackinaw bridge.

I like it because it is in Gods Country. I would be getting 6 dollars more an hour, plus paid mileage. It is also about time I start my own life and move out from the parents since I am 22. Being so far away from home will be my hardest thing to overcome but this is such a good oppurtunity that I can just not pass up.

I take the first tests tommorow morning. If I pass them, and get chosen I would just have to pass a drug screen. Since my uncle works there and is high up on the chain he is pretty sure he can get me the job if i pass the test.

Thanks for reading and wish me luck. grin.gif


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Re: New Job Oppurtunity.

LOL,you will have more than a rent payment. Utilities,food,trash,etc. the list goes on. You will have to learn to manage your money. Find a place that fits your budget. you need to sit down,figure up what you will make, then figure up your current expenses. Then get an idea of what price range you can afford to rent. When I was young , several of us took jobs a little bit away. A local motel rented rooms by the night,week or month. That is what we diid for awhile,rented by the month & went home on weekends. Hey, you don't have any extra utilities to pay,don't have to clean & had no grass to mow. Downside is you don't have much room or a yard to do stuff in. I am sure you can find something that will fit you & your budget. I know it is a little scary for you but you have to make the plunge sometime. With a better job opportunuty it should be time to do it.

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