**Happy with mount, upset about one thing***


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I purposely tube all my mounts or deer to be mounted properly, and the 9 point I just got back from a great friend that graduated from a very good taxidermist school CUT down the middle of the neck in the back....now only me and him know this, but it kinda made me mad....the mount will be posted shortly, but it upset me that he cut the neck all the way up the middle in the back.....IS THIS COMMON NOW.....he explained that is how he was taught......Im worried about the mount in the years to come giving way at the sewing and gluing in the back.........AL

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Re: **Happy with mount, upset about one thing***

If hes a good taxidermist and knows what hes doing, you shouldn't have a problem Al. My taxidermist does it the same way. He makes a T at the antlers and makes a cut all the way down the back. Once its sewed you can't even tell. My uncle has a buck done by the same guy from 15 years ago and it still looks like it was mounted yesterday and hasn't showed any signs of coming apart.

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Re: **Happy with mount, upset about one thing***

Thanks gang, it just freaked me out....my other bucks if they were cut (different taxidermist), you sure cant find where the incision was....the one on this one is pretty rough in the back, with some fur missing....it wont be seen when hung, but he has improvement in his performance...Ill post pics of the deer tonight...he is a pretty deer, lots of black in his fur............al

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Re: **Happy with mount, upset about one thing***

Just emailed the pics to Buckee...they will be up momentarily of the deer.........he has alot of black in him for a whitetail...note his ears are black on top, and the chest stripe which is brown on all my deer, except him...black as night..............al

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