Broke my favorite knife!!

Ravin R10 man

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Man!, I cant believe I did that....was skinning out that 11 pt the other eve. of course the legs gotta come off first. so i got three off and working on the last one and as im cutting the tendon at the joint I bend the leg to a 90 degree angle....with my blade still in between!!!....SNAP! there goes the end of my blade!! That was one knife that all you had to do was hang on, and it did the gutting, or skinning, all by itself!! LOL! Mon. is my birthday, so last eve. my wife came home with a brand new one from walmart....well it was a good one , but I'll have to go back and get it downsized a wee bit. I like a knife that when I extend my index finger...thats the end of the blade. You will never cut yourself while gutting if you know where the end of the blade is.

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Re: Broke my favorite knife!!

Out of curiousity was it by any chance a buck knife Martin? I had the blade on a buck knife break on me a few years back when I was washing it after dressing out a deer. Was pretty cold and I accidently barely hit the frost free hydrant with the blade right at the handle and a chunk of the blade busted off.

Seemed kind of wierd to me for a carbon steel knife blade to break so easy.

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Re: Broke my favorite knife!!

I feel for ya. I have a knife that my dad gave me when I was 10 years old.......kind of a right of passage for hunters in our family. Well 19 years later I still have it and this year I retired it and went with the Kodi-pack from Outdoor Edge Knives. I didn't want to lose or break that old knife. Now it will be there when one of my boys is ready for it.

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Re: Broke my favorite knife!!

I broke my fav this year also, on the last ham! Bad thing was it was a folding Schrade Old Timer and they quit making em and nobody around here had one left in stock! So I got a Winchester with a gut hook to try out. I finally sharpened out the old timer enought to get a decent point on it, and I'm sure I'll have it ready by next year. grin.gif

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Re: Broke my favorite knife!!


May I add cordless saws-all....!!!

I love my 18v Dewalt for just these types of things. Helps get those pesky horns off to. Those just get in the way of all that meat... LOL

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Nahhh! I here, like to drag a 1000 ft of 'lectrical cord 'round behind me... so's I can git to me stand and do some tree trimin'" Here's your sign (lol).

Thought the southern rhetoric might add a flair to the post grin.gif

No, just kidding... absolutely must be cordless. wink.gif

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Re: Broke my favorite knife!!


Nahhh! I here, like to drag a 1000 ft of 'lectrical cord 'round behind me... so's I can git to me stand and do some tree trimin'" Here's your sign (lol).

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You process your deer out in the woods or at home?


I like to at least take it home before I try to get it cut and in the freezer.... smile.gifsmile.gif

Although hacking off the legs out in the woods would make it easier to drag... No hang ups that way. LOL crazy.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Broke my favorite knife!!


and even trimming limbs... that's heck of a tool and much less work.

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Geezz, grin.gif READ THE POST (yelling again) grin.gifgrin.gif, I said I liked to drag the cord out to trim limbs. *that would be limbs off of a tree... not a deer). Nooooooo, I don't cut the legs off in the woods, although you might be right... less hangups. (lol)

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Re: Broke my favorite knife!!

I shot a doe earlier this year and didn't have my regular hunting knife with me, just my little pocket knife. When I gutted her, I didn't have anything to split the breast bone or the pelvis until I thought of the lopping shears in my truck. Talk about making quick work of it - took about 10 seconds to open the chest cavity and another 3 seconds to open the pelvis. No mess, no fuss. So when I got her back to camp and started skinning her, I used the loppers to take off the legs, worked great for that too! You guys really need to try this, you might just throw those saws away.

P.S. - Get the good type of loppers that have an anvil on one side and a blade on the other. The two bladed scissor type aren't near as good.

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Re: Broke my favorite knife!!

What was the brand of knife? I have a great customer service story! In 2001, I was out bear hunting and got off my stand at dark, I was on my way out and I saw a guy who was walking a ditch grade, he was moving very quickly for his size and I stopped and asked if he wanted a ride....long story short, the guy had shot his first bear and was freaking out. I told him I would help him instead of him having to call for help (40 miles away) We went in and got his bear, and I helped him gut it...well he takes my knife (a handdown from my father, a BUCK knife) and he breaks the blade cutting the pelvic bone (I had a sawzall type tool in my truck) he appologizes and all is well...anywho, I send the knife into BUCK explaining my neglegence....12 days later.. I get MY DADS knife back, in MY DADS original sheath....only a new blade on it! It was my fault but BUCK KNIVES fixed it for free and had it back to me by deer season! I will stick with BUCK from now on!

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