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Re: Frustrated

i guess i wasnt the only one that didnt have any luck. i went out 3 times this weekend. last weekend i saw coyotes everywhere. this weekend we got fresh snow and only saw 2 different fresh tracks where i heard at least 15 coyotes howling last weekend. i did call in two but i shot at them when i should have let them get closer. other than that i saw nothing. maybe next weekend. i know they are there still. i heard them on saturday but they were on another guys property. so who knows. you guys arent the only ones.

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Guest abster71

Re: Frustrated

been having the same problem I got alot of land to hunt and should be getting yotes not sure either have got a few this winter but not as many as the amount of time and sets I've put in but I keep going haven't lost the thrill of them coming in still waiting on a pair all singles young males.

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Guest onecoyote

Re: Frustrated

It DON'T take lots of experience and know how to call predators, it's all about location.

The areas you guys are hunting my be hunted hard by others or the farms and ranches around your area my be getting hit hard. It's possible the area my not have any or very few predators in it. Hard to call something in that ain't there.

Knowing how to sound like a rabbit is a bunch of bull, just sound like anything that has it's Ba--s in a vice and it well work.

Your set up is important, knowing the wind and what way the animal well probably come from also helps, you don't have to be an expert to figure that out. I'd say after 3 years and you haven't called in a coyote, you need to change areas.

This time of the year is a good time to howl, learn how if you don't know how already.

Had a guy come out from Fla. last week, never shot a coyote in his life. I told him where to go and gave him the basics. low and behold he came back with 6 coyotes. Location, Location, Location.

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Guest coyote_caller

Re: Frustrated

Try learning a female invitation howl this is the best time of the year to do that while it is mating season and if he is in ear shot and wants the company he will come in. Sit back relax it will happen. By the way I am new to the forum and Hello everyone.

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Re: Frustrated

well there have been alot of complaints by people of coyotes coming into mid west city. i live right off of 240 and anderson road. i have been seeing a few around here. i think im gonna talk to the guy i know in tecumseh and see if he wants to go out and try to shoot some coyotes. maybe youve just run into some bad luck

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