Talk about scary!!


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saturday me and a buddy went out yote hunting on a buddies property and we were right down on his side of the property near the fence line, we set our first stand and we were calling we had yotes all over the place fairly close, well after 20 minutes, we looked over on the other property and about 100 yds away i look through the binocs and see i guy sitting up in a treestand with a rifle, and nothing is open here except yotes and you cant hunt them from a treestand, but the scary part was that property the owners dont hunt it and they let no one hunt it, so we had no idea who it was, i looked at my buddy and i said were getting out of here, i wasnt gonna stick around to find out who it was, we took the long way out our normal walk in takes about 20 minutes, our walk out took 1.5 hours, i did not want to be near this guy, after hearing about that incident in wisconsin a few years back i aint taking any chances with a stranger who aint suppose to be there

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Re: Talk about scary!!

Could see where that could be scary.

Been trying to hunt coyotes from a deer blind in my back pasture here some with my caller run out to near the ridge out in front of me. Could see where someone might get the wrong idea and think I was not coyote hunting if they were tresspassing and happened to see me. Nothing in Tennessee's handbook says it is illegal to hunt yotes from a deerstand though. Guess if I was you, I would be letting those landowners know.

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Re: Talk about scary!!

What's really scary is the fact that we even have to worry about things like that. The woods is the one place that I always felt the safest. However, just as you pointed out, that's not necessarily the case anymore. While it is a super-rare event, the woods could provide some of societies wackos the perfect environment for having one of their psychotic episodes.

However, so far this sort of thing has not reached signicant proportions, so I wouldn't be starting to over-react just yet.


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Re: Talk about scary!!


Did you call it in to the authorities?

And I'm curious about why you can't hunt yotes from a treestand? What's the logic behind that? Can you hunt deer from a treestand?

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yep you cant hunt deer from a stand, but just not yotes i dont know why you cant, but dont bother me id rather be on the ground, and no i didnt call the authorities, but were gonna ask the landowners about it

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Re: Talk about scary!!


Would most certainly contact the landowners. They definitely need to know that someone is there. Could possibly be an accident waiting to happen.

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i agree. i wouldnt want to take a chance and have something happen like the situation with those hunters last year.

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