Questions about selecting the right arrows


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Ok, I know that in order to select a correct arrow, the shaft must have the proper spine for your bow's poundage. With different spines, comes different grains per inch. selecting the right arrow also has to do with the length that your arrow will be, correct?

Ok so here are my specific questions... I am shooting a Browning Rage set at 26.5" (w/ d-loop ) at 60lbs. The arrows I just bought are Beman Black Max 500's that are 8.9 gpi. I'm not sure if these are the correct shafts for my poundage.

Here is the link to where I bought them and the chart for shaft selection: Beman Chart

Should I have went with Black Max 400's at 9.6 gpi or would they be too heavy?

I have also heard the words that you must shoot at 5 grains per pound. What does this mean? So does this mean the maximum weight arrow I should shoot is 300 grains? Does this include broadhead or without broadhead?

I have also heard about FOC. This is something I struggle to comprehend. It's never exactly been explained to me so if anyone care's to explain, please do. I have also heard of programs that a person can run stats thru about an archer's setup and it can give certain details about the setup.

Obviously, I'm full of questions and am open to suggestions and help. If any of the above post didn't make sense, feel free to ask me to explain, because I will. I'm in the process of re-doing my bow and obviously my arrows are very important to the setup.

Thanks.. Joe

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Re: Questions about selecting the right arrows

man thats fine.. im currently shooting the hoyt avenger.. 25.5* draw shooting at maxed out 70lbs*.. i beleave im am goin to buy the A/C Super Slim Arrows in the 400*. the 400 give me a little bit better spin for the poundge and drawlenght im shooting but 500 do just fine. ... i would not recomment goin out and wasting your money on more arrows.. you got one of the top of the line arrows. .. do they shoot good for you? .. just member speed is not everything for hunting.


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Re: Questions about selecting the right arrows

When in doubt Joe go visit a pro shop or call the manufactuer of the arrows. More often than not they would be willing to share information with you on picking the correct arrow and answer your questions.

That is what makes a good pro shop, the ones that will take the time to explain things like arrows and still be happy with you if you don't buy something that day.

Good luck! When I have questions I call Easton, they are more than happy to help.

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