johnny stewart

Guest waynemclain

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Guest waynemclain

so i have a few hand calls and what not but ive always wanted an electric one...well my dad came across a johnny stewart cassette one that his friend had used.....he said hed only used it 2 times and figured the coyotes would be running him over....needless to say this didnt happen and now im happy to say its mine!....i got 5 cassettes and the call for 75 bucks...looks like it really hasnt been touched....20ft extension...what do you all think?

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Re: johnny stewart

I've got one and it works fine. Heavy, but I usually don't lug it long distances. I'm not crazy about the Johnny Stewart brand tapes. I much prefer Burnam Brothers. And if you'll go to a music store and pick up a 50 or 100 foot extension for your speaker, it will work much better. The farther away the speaker is, the better.

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Guest onecoyote

Re: johnny stewart

I happen to know Gerald Stewart, you won't go wrong with anything that has his name on it.

Personally I put my e-caller about 25 to 30 yards away from me crosswind or downwind, because that's usually where the coyotes well be heading.

When I used a JS e-caller I'd never use the 25' of coard, takes to much time. Plus I didn't see where it would help alot. I just keep it all together with the caller, the animals never knew the differience.....Good luck

PS, think about this. the futher away the speaker the better? Why don't FoxPros and others have long speaker wires???

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Re: johnny stewart


PS, think about this. the futher away the speaker the better? Why don't FoxPros and others have long speaker wires???

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Because they have wireless remotes. grin.gif

My reasoning (backed up by many years of observation) is that the predator's attention is going to be fixed on the source of the distress cries. I prefer not to have him staring straight at me while I'm getting set up for the shot. Granted that many times it won't matter, but occasionally you'll get busted by movement.

Another thing I'll do sometimes is use some type of visual lure along with the caller. If there's a little breeze, try hanging a feather on a string from a branch next to the speaker.

Just for kicks, this weekend I'm going to try setting up a mojo dove along with the caller and see what happens. Should be interesting. cool.gif

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Re: johnny stewart


Texan Til You Die, how many years of observation would that be? I'm talking predator calling. I've been at it a time myself. smirk.gifwink.gif

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Hey, I'm not trying to start anything or imply that you're off base. I'm just trying to give Wayne some tips that have worked for me in the past, and getting ol' Wile E.'s attention focused on something besides me is one of those.

But, to answer your question, I've been hunting for over 40 years, killed my first deer exactly 40 years ago, and killed my first coyote approximately 36 years ago. I started calling in the late 70's and continued doing it heavily until the late 80's - early 90's when the bottom fell out of the fur prices. Now, I just do it for population control (and entertainment) on the West Texas ranch where I hunt.

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Guest onecoyote

Re: johnny stewart

I understand where you're coming from, no problem. The internet is a strange place, easy to miss read people sometimes.

I just asked how long you've been predator hunting because I've been at it myself for many years. Started in 64 and started competiting in 75, I'm getting older now but I still compete now and then, can't get it out of my blood. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

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Guest coyote_caller

Re: johnny stewart

Hello everyone I am new here and I used to have the 512 model stewert call and it worked very well in all conditions and have now got the preymaster. My nephew and I have now made it wireless with a remote range of 120 yrds and counting and does not have to be in the line of sight even though we do not set it out that far only about 50 or so and it was a great improvement for the setup we can also change it from preymaster to an MP3 with just the switch of the little 1/8 jack all in the same handheld unit.

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Re: johnny stewart

Sounds like you got a pretty good deal Wayne. What tapes came with the caller? What hand calls have you been using?

If you need any other tapes, let me know and I can make you a great deal. I just recently traded for a FoxPro FX3 and don't have a use for all these tapes anymore. I have 42 tapes that I have found in my stuff so far, and if I do some more digging I may find a few more. Just let me know.

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