Hunters in Southwest Michigan??


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Dont know where portage is.

Ill let you in on a secret though.

Land is hard to find....What a secret.

I hunt in Harrison (1500 acres), and my 10 acres here (ottawa Lake)

We know an old lady who is a farmer in hillsdale. She gets crop damage permits. She doesnt hunt, but she allows to hunt her 2000+acres. The only bad news is she hands out permits to everybody that asks.

You go up to her door, and she says, how many permits do you want. Thats how bad it is.

But we have our own little spot on the land where nobody goes....Swamp and some woods.

Didnt hunt it this year though.....Kinda sad.

Try not to tell anyone though..ok LOL

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Guest buckfever7

Re: Hunters in Southwest Michigan??

I live in Maine now, but am from Kzoo. I use to have a farm in Scotts I hunted. I worked it out with the farmer, I was the only bowhunter, but when Nov 15th rolled around I surrendered the land to the gunhunters. The last year I was there I took a doe on Nov 14th in the am, went back in the evening and took a buck.

Anyway, gook old fashioned knocking on farmers doors worked for me. As mentioned above, you may ask around at pfizer too.

There is a proshop in Just down the road from Pfizer on Portage rd. about a mile from the intersection of Portage and center st. It's called Fishing Memories, I'd talk to the proshop guys. Atleast when I was home they seemed pretty reasonable.

Good luck!

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