Red River Predators

Guest Hunter36

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Guest Hunter36

Hey everyone!! A buddy and I went hunin on Tuesday this week and had good luck. After crossing about three miles into North Dakota from Minnesota we spotted 2 red fox mating long story short they joined up with another fox and we had a chess game with them for about two hours. I missed the male at about 80yrds runnin twice and my buddy missed the one of the other ones at 170?yrds. Not exactly what we wanted, but fun.

Then out of only 3 sets we called in a fox which never came close enough, and I connected on my first coyote ever about a half hour later. I was lookin over a creek bottom about 300-350 yrds across a plowed snow covered field. after only about 5 minutes of callin I looked of to my right and he was only 200 yrds away in a wide open field. He turned his head I swung my gun around and set the cross hairs on his chest. He covered another 50yrds and I let him eat the 55grain .223. Pretty pumped!! grin.gif

If the wind stays low we will be heading out saturday hopefully the warm weather doesnt effect them it waas about -15 below on tuesday and they were movin.

Ill post pictures either tonight or 2marrow.

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