never figure them out!!


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Want to pass soemthign by you guys see what you think about it!! we have been ahving fairly warm weather [28-32] for a coupel weeks nowand high winds, last 2 weekends I only got 3 coyotes couse of the weather, today i got up to a calm morning abotu 25 and decided to head to a honey hole I called 3 spots by 10 and not a thing moving, I then headed over to a big lake and the wind was howling,as soson as I got to the edge I seen 2 coyotes 1/2 mile down, grabbed the binos and could see 3 more farther down the lake,it was not 10.15 and I grabbe dthe calls, gun shootign sticks, and ehaded down the shore, first 2 coyotes I tried and no luck they were not interested,i figured it was becosue they seen me in the truck, but I doubt it now seeing they did not boot across the lake, just sat otu at 800 yards on the ice and walked slowly across the lake! another 1/2 mile I could see 7 coyotes on the lake, I was thinking this will be like shootign fish in a barrle with so many in range and wind right and no vehicle for 3/4 mile away! I started off with a coupel barks and greetign calls, they looked my way and walked away, about 3.4 mile farther on a bend I set up and started with only a distree no howler, I had 3 walk past on the lake, they deffinatly heard the call and were not coeming in, I started to bark and one started in but stopped sat for 5 minutes and walked across the lake, I glassed from there both ways and could see over 10 coyotes at one time, I headed back tot he truck and it was abotu 1 now and about 40 degrees with a 30 mph wind, I went 2 miels down the lake and walked to the edge and started to howl and call and had 2 run from below me about 400 yards into th revine,I blew it by being to loud but I doubt they would of came in! I seen what I think is abotu 27 coyotes on the lake but 4 or 5 werre prob ones I seen before, i know of at least 23,

I have hunted coyotes for years and tried to figure them out never works, I figured it was becouse of a cold front moving in tomorrow[get to -35 or 40 with wind chill] but in the past when a cold front coems in they call awsome!!Today they were movign liek crazy but not ansering,Only other tiem I have seen this is in feb when mating, but they will not be mating this heavy this early its abotu 2 months early and with the howls I usually bring them in good especially the singles!Only thing I can see is soemthign had them stirred up from the other side of the lake and kept them moving,Also i tried a invitation howl at one of the stands thinkign it might work and did not! I was just wonderign any ideas? Not one ansered to my howls, if they were scared they usually give warnign barks ect but no vocale at all!! Thanbks in advance!!

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Guest shedhunter

Re: never figure them out!!

Atleast 3 is better than none. I Just can't belive you saw that many in one small area. How much deer will be left by the end of winter? How big is this lake? Sounds like a privite lake.

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Re: never figure them out!!

dude---we're the ones that suppose to ask the questions--not you grin.gifgrin.gif

Reminds me of turkey hunting. Sometimes those darn gobblers will answer and come a runnin' to your call and the very next day they pay no attention to it. Go figure confused.gifconfused.gif

I have noticed during turkey hunting that the stronger the wind is the less response I get to calling.

good luck


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Re: never figure them out!!

doc thats the thing about coyote huntign there is always questions to be ansered lol!! What I find is the more you find out abotu the way they think the better luck you have! Uphere we do not get very many calm days and I have called in very windy, that is when I use the electronic it carries a bit farther and I find they do not hear you get to your calling area as easy! Only thing about very windy they are more likly to try to get downwind so i put the caller 100 yards or so off and set up were I believe they will come from! I talked to a buddy who was out looking for coyotes south of here yesterdya and he spent till 2 and never seen or called in one in a area that is usually pretty good, seems like this was the only area they wer e moving in, Thsi lake is about 1/2 to 1 mile wide runs for abotu 40 miles long, just a shallow lake with hills and draws on each side and no farms along it at all, This tiem of year when the ice is not thick the coyotes use it as a way of travel feel safe out there, Untill the snowmobiles get on the lake,then they learn to run the banks!With the coyotes only moving in that area I am really thinking it was that somone was driving the far edge and keeping them moving,this iwll also say why they were not ansering still a bit worked up over the scare!No idea!!!

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