Jim Zumbo's anti comments!!


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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!

I love hearing from people from nations that CAN"T OWN assault styled weapons... Like Canada. Telling Americans what guns we can and cannot own and use to hunt with.

This is THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, not the firearm restrictive nation of Canada. We have that freedom here to own WHATEVER we want. Do you?

Maybe thats why your jaded. Maybe Canadians( not all of them) that were brought up on GUN CONTROL and were never allowed to own these type of weapons, were TAUGHT to demonize these styled weapons. That is thru ignorance of never having the freedom to own one and shoot one and buying into the propoganda about the EVILNESS of assualt styled weapons.

Apologies to the Canadians who don't think, like the way I described.

Let me tell ALL of you again, well maybe not all of you.

Judging a gun by its COSMETICS is EXACTLY what the antis do. The Clinton assault weapons ban was based SOLEY on cosmetics! The bayo lug, folding stock, threaded bbl, detach mag, pistol grip. What did ANY of the aforementioned items have to do with the function of the firearm? Nothing...it was feel good legislation that did NOTHING to stop crime. Thats why it was repealed after a 10 year sunset.

Many people in the south and up north have and still use what could be called a "assault weapon" to hunt with, A SKS 7.62X39. It is a cheap alternative to a $500 bolt gun thats shoots a caliber with about the same ballistics as the 30/30.

I thought about the statement earlier when someone said " well if I saw a few guys with AR's in the woods I would be concerned"

Were they dressed like commandos or hunters?

Licenses on their back? Grenades hanging off their neck or game calls? 5 round magazines in their guns or 30's?

PUHLEESE... Go write a check to Sarah Brady why don't ya.

I am soo GLAD I Live in a Country where I could OWN ANY type of firearm I want. Thats right Gun control afficianados...even FULL AUTO in some states and destructive devices too for class III FFL holders.

I am not afraid of any legal hunter carrying ANY LEGAL weapon they choose to harvest their game.

What is said about defenders of the Crossgun...oops! I meant crossbow tongue.gif. Don't criticize the weapon people choose to harvest their game with. Right? As long as its legal.

To each their own.

I saw a hunting show a few weeks ago, Maybe it was the "Outdoor Journal". But, on the show they were hunting Black Bear with a Barrett .50cal. Taking 800 yard shots with the gun and getting the bear too with no problem. Is that my style of hunting? NO. Will I support their right to harvest game in any LEGAL manner....YES.

I could put an AK in a different stock and no one would ever question the rifle. Matter of fact, there are a few AK's out there now with normal hunting stocks on them. They are called the "Saiga" it even comes in .308 and the Russian .30

I understand that Mr. Zumbo made a mistake we all do. But I do not have the audience that Mr .Zumbo does, nor the influence. If Zumbo felt that way about, he should have called his local legislator to have the law changed, but in no way should he have drove a divider between hunters. Thats bad for the sport.

And as far as Ted Nugent goes...you would NEVER hear a assinine statement like the one Zumbo made out of his mouth. NEVER! The Nuge don't BS and has done more for the shooting and hunting sports than ANY other popular personality out there in TV land.

Thank God he is an American and on my side.

As far as Zumbo goes, he won't be the only one who was remembered for one defining moment in his life.

Just ask Monica Lewinsky grin.gif

I understand the concern of hunters with rifles that spray. In NYS all rifles are limited to hunt with ONLY 5 rounds in the mag. That is the same capacity as the Remintons and Marlins too. So what difference does it make what style the gun is? confused.gif

Now if I saw someone hunting with a 30 round mag...then I'd say something. But only about the magazine, not the gun.

If we as hunters and shooters have to start appeasing the anti's then our sport is lost. If you buy into that whole "assault style weapons" crap then you will be voting for Hillary come time.

I can forgive Mr Zumbo, but the damage has already been done.

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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!

i don't think anyone should decide or want to decide what is right or not right for me to hunt with!!!!!!!!! mad.gif as long as i'm not hunting polaticians there shouldn't be a problem!!!!! it's just like the TROPHY DEER crap ...a trophy is in the eye of the beholder,and so should the choice of weapons!!!!!!!! too each his/her own.... i don't ridicule anyone for spending thousands on a bow and they shouldn't ridicule me for not spending thousands on a bow........... as long as we all abide by the laws noone should say anything!!!!!!!!! mad.gif i could make this post very long but i'll stop there...now i'm getting used to people not liking what i write in here but again as long as i abide by the rules......... tuff

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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!

You know what really bothers me?.........638 people have looked at this thread, 53 people have replied. That's a heck of a discussion!! Now, you go to the "Welcoming home the troops video" and only 147 people have looked at that and 16 people responded. So IMO all these gun rights advocates really ought to focus their attention on the soldier's that are fighting to let them hunt with their AR's, and give them a pat on the back. smirk.gifsmirk.gif Again, just my opinion.

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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!


You know what really bothers me?.........638 people have looked at this thread, 53 people have replied. That's a heck of a discussion!! Now, you go to the "Welcoming home the troops video" and only 147 people have looked at that and 16 people responded. So IMO all these gun rights advocates really ought to focus their attention on the soldier's that are fighting to let them hunt with their AR's, and give them a pat on the back. smirk.gifsmirk.gif Again, just my opinion.

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Thats not a fair comparison ... we salute the troops every single day in here in one way or another ... this scandalous garbage doesnt happen every day ... the last time it happened it was by some blonde guy ... cant mention his name cause it will get this thread locked ... but to compare the two just simply is not right ...


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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!

well the guy put his foot in his mouth according to his sponsors i geuss. LOL here is my problem, you give these anti's an inch and in no time they will have there mile! first it will be your ar 15,sks,and ak,once those are gone the criminals will start using your beloved mags and hunting rifles and they will be gone next, then your shotguns and pistols!! once the guns are gone they will go after your knives and we will be eating with sporks while the crooks are beating us with bats! grin.gif lmao people kill people not the weapons they use! when are they gonna realize that! the only people they are effecting are honest gun owners with these bans and it makes me sick! do you thimk that crooks and gangbangers get there weapons legally?? NO!! once they get a few banned fellas it won't be long before the get more! and they don't need one of our own feuling they're fire! those comments where irresponsible in my opinion!

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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!


I can't find a link working to see what he said... frown.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

OLN removed the blog because of the traffic here is the quote ...


>"Assault Rifles For Hunters?

>As I write this, I'm hunting coyotes in southeastern Wyoming with Eddie Stevenson, PR Manager for Remington Arms, Greg Dennison, who is senior research engineer for Remington, and several writers. We're testing Remington's brand new .17 cal Spitfire bullet on coyotes.

>I must be living in a vacuum. The guides on our hunt tell me that the use of AR and AK rifles have a rapidly growing following among hunters, especially prairie dog hunters. I had no clue. Only once in my life have I ever seen anyone using one of these firearms.

>I call them "assault" rifles, which may upset some people. Excuse me, maybe I'm a traditionalist, but I see no place for these weapons among our hunting fraternity. I'll go so far as to call them "terrorist" rifles. They tell me that some companies are producing assault rifles that are "tackdrivers."

>Sorry, folks, in my humble opinion, these things have no place in hunting. We don't need to be lumped into the group of people who terrorize the world with them, which is an obvious concern. I've always been comfortable with the statement that hunters don't use assault rifles. We've always been proud of our "sporting firearms."

>This really has me concerned. As hunters, we don't need the image of walking around the woods carrying one of these weapons. To most of the public, an assault rifle is a terrifying thing. Let's divorce ourselves from them. I say game departments should ban them from the praries and woods. "

[/ QUOTE ]

Hope that helps


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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!

buckee, no one in america can hunt with an automatic weapon. BUT, i suspect you mean a semi-auto weapon, and they are indeed legal. in wyoming, you can indeed hunt some animals (varmits especially) with a 223, or basically any gun you want to shoot them with. or arrow them with. or knife them with. (sorry, i had to... lol)

for any big game animals, including turkeys, you need a 24 cal. or larger. and yes, one can shoot a turkey here with a big game rifle. not real sporting, and you may want to use a solid bullet, but it is legal.

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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!


I love hearing from people from nations that CAN"T OWN assault styled weapons... Like Canada.

[/ QUOTE ]

And that has what bearing on the subject at hand?


Telling Americans what guns we can and cannot own ...

[/ QUOTE ]

Where was that ever said, or even inferred??


Maybe Canadians( not all of them) that were brought up on GUN CONTROL and were never allowed to own these type of weapons, were TAUGHT to demonize these styled weapons.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have been around a lot longer than our current gun control laws...and have been a vocal opponent, at a higher level than you could ever appreciate...

I, like all Canadians involved in the shooting sports, recognize and appreciate the protections of your Second Amendment Rights, probably better than you do. It is a 'battle' that we have had...

I was gonna rip the entirety of this post apart, but there is no reason, other than to cause an unnecessary diatribe over personal viewpoints and opinions. But I, simply, couldn't let those bigotted comments go by.

For some reason, people have decided to take Zumbo's comments outside of the context that they were made, and are making this a Second Amenedment argument.

I will ask one thing...

Please post here, the video and segment that shows Bill Jordan hunting with an AK or AR :

Michael Wadell?

David Blanton?

Cuzz Strickland?

Will Primos?...

I have made the same request of Remington and Cabela's with respect to all of their Pro-staffers. If I get a response, I will post them.


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Guest Nature_Boy

Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!



I will ask one thing...

Please post here, the video and segment that shows Bill Jordan hunting with an AK or AR :

Michael Wadell?

David Blanton?

[/ QUOTE ]

I seriously doubt that since the above mentioned firearms are not manufactured by Thompson Center or Mathews that we will ever see them in a video anyway. wink.gifwink.gif

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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!


You know what really bothers me?.........638 people have looked at this thread, 53 people have replied. That's a heck of a discussion!! Now, you go to the "Welcoming home the troops video" and only 147 people have looked at that and 16 people responded.

[/ QUOTE ]

A lot of times I know I will check back on a post and not always reply the second or third time I check back, those post view counts are really maybe a bit deceiving. Really not exactly certain your point there, a better percentage of people have viewed and actually replied to the welcoming post?

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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!



I love hearing from people from nations that CAN"T OWN assault styled weapons... Like Canada.

[/ QUOTE ]

And that has what bearing on the subject at hand?


Telling Americans what guns we can and cannot own ...

[/ QUOTE ]

Where was that ever said, or even inferred??


Maybe Canadians( not all of them) that were brought up on GUN CONTROL and were never allowed to own these type of weapons, were TAUGHT to demonize these styled weapons.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have been around a lot longer than our current gun control laws...and have been a vocal opponent, at a higher level than you could ever appreciate...

I, like all Canadians involved in the shooting sports, recognize and appreciate the protections of your Second Amendment Rights, probably better than you do. It is a 'battle' that we have had...

I was gonna rip the entirety of this post apart, but there is no reason, other than to cause an unnecessary diatribe over personal viewpoints and opinions. But I, simply, couldn't let those bigotted comments go by.

For some reason, people have decided to take Zumbo's comments outside of the context that they were made, and are making this a Second Amenedment argument.

I will ask one thing...

Please post here, the video and segment that shows Bill Jordan hunting with an AK or AR :

Michael Wadell?

David Blanton?

Cuzz Strickland?

Will Primos?...

I have made the same request of Remington and Cabela's with respect to all of their Pro-staffers. If I get a response, I will post them.


[/ QUOTE ]

Apparently Bob....more people and companies that sponsor Zumbo think the way I do here in the Good Ole USA than you. eh? (I had to...couldn't resist)

Zumbos done and its not because of me. I did not send ANY e mails to any sponsors because of his ignorance or lack of support for the 2nd amendmant and the freedom we so enjoy here in the USA.

People who come from nations that never had that freedom to own and hunt with these type of weapons CANNOT weigh in on the ownership and use of these firearms and tell people who have the RIGHT to own these.

When you become a voting American... BOB... then you can write your congressman and request more gun control. You know...like in Canada


Your battle for gun rights in Canada was LOST.

Bigoted comments Bob huh...Take your gun control thinking with you. We here in America reject anyone who wishes to restrict or curtail our firearm freedoms and that is exactly what you would have us do with your thinking. We are free to hunt with whatever we like as long as long as is its legal.

If I put a .243 upper on my AR would it make it a nice gun now?

BTW BOB...this is a second amendmant arguement...thats the point you are missing. Remington and Mossy Oak think so too.

The look of the gun means nothing. If anyone feels that AR's ect should not be used to hunt with, they are being ignorant and judging the firearm on its look and cosmetics don't mean a thing.

Someone like you Bob...having been there and losing your gun rights. I would think you'd become a staunch supporter of the firearm freedoms that so many have enjoyed outside your country.

But it seems you have bought into the anti's way of thinking by further looking or agreeing to,restricting certain types of firearms to hunt with. I live in one of the most gun controlled states in the union and EVEN here in NYS, no judgement is made about firearm type usage when hunting. So if NY( the liberal capital) don't complain about it, it most likely does not matter.

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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!

Maybe this will help you understand why Remington and his sponsor are leaving him - the Brady bunch has it on their front page.

Even Remington's top gun writer agrees on Assault Weapons

No matter how much you like Jim, he was considered a "professional" for a reason. He did not act professionally as his "opinion" hurt Remington and hunters.

I own a Chinese-made SKS that I would not have any problem using to hunt yotes or other game. I would hope that you would not be able to notice ANY difference in my hunting behavior while hunting with my SKS than you do when I have my (more traditional) bolt-action Savage 30-30. In otherwords, my behavior and skills utilized should should determine my image as a hunter and not the gun I use as long as it is appropriate caliber for the game I am hunting.

As Chairman of HHH, I have to "watch" my words (spoken or typed) to make sure that they do not hurt the reputation of HHH. If they do, the Board is appropriate if they take action by terminating me.

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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!


For some reason, people have decided to take Zumbo's comments outside of the context that they were made, and are making this a Second Amenedment argument.

I will ask one thing...

Please post here, the video and segment that shows Bill Jordan hunting with an AK or AR :

Michael Wadell?

David Blanton?

Cuzz Strickland?

Will Primos?...

I have made the same request of Remington and Cabela's with respect to all of their Pro-staffers. If I get a response, I will post them.

[/ QUOTE ]

So what? What does that prove that they are not using AK or AR's? Show me the segment when they are hunting varments. To me, that means Bill, Dave and Michael are more conscientious about how they represent themselves and other hunters.

Jim is a good man. But no matter how much you like Jim, he is going to pay some consequences for his actions. There were many other ways he could have made his point or expressed his opinion. I have done and said some things that cost me and I paid the consequences no matter how much others felt sorry for me.

If ANY Realtree prostaff misrepresented Realtree's product, isn't reasonable that Realtree should break ties with that prostaffer? Apologies can be accepted, but contracts do not have to be continued.

As far as making this a Second Amendment issue, his comments now have the attention of the Brady Campaign. You don't suppose they will post his apology on their website do you?

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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!


AK's ARE NOT HUNTING RIFLES...and trying to find your personal justifications to make them such, will only convince the ignorant and ill-informed...and all-the-while giving fodder to the anti's that we, as hunters, are nothing more than a bunch of Rambo-ites, jumping from tree to tree in the forest.

AK's ARE THE WEAPON OF CHOICE FOR STREET GANGS AND TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS...WORLDWIDE. That is a statement of fact...and is what Zumbo is saying.

It trully ticks me off that people, including his sponsors, would turn on him so quickly.

Shame on you...shame on you all...Your loyalty to a well respected member of our fraternity is under-whelming.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow!! I just saw this comment. As a Probation Officer in a major US city, I can tell you that you are mis-informed about the AK being the weapon of choice of gangs. The only reason that may have been true at one time was due to them being vary available and relatively inexpensive. They are no more prolific than any other gun; they get more press though. Gangs will take advantage of ANY gun they can get readily and inexpensive. I have yet to read one arrest report that included an AK in the report. I have, however, read alot of reports that included handguns of all sorts.

So what you are saying is that if I wear my Realtree camo and my AK instead of my .223 and go hunt coyotes, that makes me a Rambo-ite??!!! I still would take one shot at a time and make sure it is a one-shot kill. I will still obey all hunting laws and regulations. I will still make sure of what is behind my target. etc.

Bob, I understand your sediment about Jim, but I think your comments would do more to advance the anti-fodder than anyone else's on this thread.

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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!

Sorry, one more thing crazy.gif but I thought this was worthwhile.

So you think this is NOT a 2nd amendment issue??!!


Tipping Point -- Suicide on the Web

Something fascinating just happened. I suspect it will be studied by those who do such things, but at this point, it is clear that last weekend we saw a sea change in the way gun owners react to threats.

If you heard Gun Talk last Sunday, Feb. 18, you heard Jim Zumbo, longtime hunting writer for Outdoor Life, addressing a blog (online comment piece) he wrote. If you didn't hear it, you can download the archive file here: http://guntalk.libsyn.com. It's the February 18 show, "part C."

Jim basically committed career suicide. In short, he wrote in his blog on the Outdoor Life web site that he had just learned (while on a hunt) that some people use AR-15 rifles for hunting. He offered his thought that this was a bad image for hunters. Okay, that's his opinion. But, he went even further, calling for game departments to ban the use of these rifles for hunting. After crossing the line and calling for a banning of those guns for hunting, he firmly planted his foot on a land mine and called AR-15s "terrorist rifles." The explosion from that misstep was heard throughout the firearms industry.

You see, the AR-15 is one of the most popular firearm platforms going. I own three of them and love to shoot them. I don't consider myself a terrorist, and neither do the millions of others who own them and shoot them for recreation, or who own them for personal defense. On "Personal Defense TV" we have been showing that the thinking among security trainers has moved away from the shotgun as the ideal home defense gun, and in many quarters, it now favors the AR-15 or some other carbine (short rifle).

Zumbo had made a mistake from which there was no recovery. He wrote his blog while on a hunting trip. Just before going on the air, I checked the internet forums (fora?) and found a firestorm. People were livid, and with good reason. Some of the comments were clearly over the top, but most of them conveyed the rage that comes from a feeling of being betrayed by someone you thought of as one of your own.

We were only 30 minutes away from going on the air for a live, three-hour broadcast, so I called Zumbo's home. He was still enroute home from his hunting trip and knew nothing about the controversy he had created. I left word that if he wanted to come on the show to make a statement, he could call in.

During the last hour of the show, he decided to go onto Gun Talk, live. He had just posted an apology on the Outdoor Life web site. His explanation was that he just didn't know anything about these rifles, and had no idea that people actually hunted with them. I felt for Jim, but I also knew that in calling for the banning (even if only for hunting) of any gun was incredible, but calling them rifles used by terrorists was, quite simply, unconscionable.

Having just read some of the comments on a few of the online groups where people were posting Zumbo's home address and personal information, calling for . . . well, it was hard to know what they were calling for . . . I made a comment about our willingness to eat our own. Some of that was based on hearing gunnies say that they won't buy Ruger firearms because of something Bill Ruger said two decades ago. Hey, the man is dead and buried.

Still, in this case, I was wrong. That's not what was going on here, as I discovered when I got off the air. To listeners who took offense, I do apologize. The outrage by gun owners is completely understandable. To put it in context, Zumbo's comments came only days after we saw the introduction of a bill in Congress to bring back the Clinton Gun Ban (the so-called "assault weapons" ban). The final nail in the coffin was when-- Sunday afternoon -- the Brady Campaign (the leading group working to restrict gun rights) posted Zumbo's comments to several places on the net, saying, in effect, "See, even the top hunting writer says these rifles have no legitimate use."

At that point, it was all over for Jim Zumbo.

Thousands upon thousands of emails were directed to Remington and all the sponsors of Zumbo's television show on The Outdoor Channel. The emails were all pretty much the same -- dump Zumbo or I'll never buy any of your products. Remington first posted a message saying it was severing all ties with Zumbo. On Monday, the company said it was ending its sponsorship of him. Other companies followed, and it continues. Outdoor Life removed Zumbo's blog, and his apology. Each had generated thousands of comments -- almost all of them hugely negative.

We can take away from this experience several observations.

The first is that this attitude of "just let them take those ugly, black guns" is common among hunters and competitive shooters. Anyone with that attitude is a fool. Sit down with a hunter from England or Australia, hear him tell the story of what happened there, and watch the tears well up in his eyes when he says they never thought the government would take away their hunting guns. To gun banners, there is no such thing as a good gun. They want them all. When Tom Diaz, of the Violence Policy Center, was on Gun Talk, I forced him to admit that he would like to ban all guns. What about the police, I asked. Once we get all the other guns, he said, the police won't need their guns, either.

A ban on black guns, or "Saturday Night Specials," or 50-caliber rifles, is a ban on all our guns. There is no such thing as a bad gun or a good gun. We can't throw babies off the back of the sled, thinking it will keep the wolves away from us.

The next thing we learn from this is that the world has just changed. This entire episode took place inside of 36 hours, on a weekend -- a three-day weekend for President's Day. It happened...and this is important...entirely on the internet. The original posting was on the net, the reaction was on the net, the emails demanding that companies break off with Zumbo were on the net, and the reactions from the companies were all on their web sites. This was completely an internet event. It was a nuclear explosion, with tens of thousands of messages posted, spanning all the firearms-related web sites.

How often over the last 30 years, as I fought for gun rights, traveled to Washington, DC, wrote about gun rights, spoke at the Gun Rights Policy Conference, and for the last 14 years, broadcasted about gun rights on the radio, have I lamented the inability to get gun owners motivated to protect their own rights? This powerful example shows that it can be done.

Now, the real question is whether we can generate that kind of response when we need to defeat a gun ban. Can we melt down mail servers of elected representatives the way gun owners hammered the servers at various companies? I don't know.

What I do know is that we are facing more calls for gun bans and restrictions on our gun rights over the next few years than we have seen in the last 40 years. Someone on the side of gun rights needs to develop a way to replicate this . . . this "Zumbo Effect" . . . to beat back the assault which has already started.

We must find a way to "Zumbo" our attackers in Congress, in the state houses, and wherever they assault our rights.

Tom Gresham

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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!


I'm certainly getting some responses now !!! grin.gif


Bob, I understand your sediment about Jim...

[/ QUOTE ]

"Sediment"...Freudian slip, or intellectual slap? (Good one! cool.gif)


The only reason that may have been true at one time ...

[/ QUOTE ]

So I didn't speak out-of-my-hat. wink.gif


... if I wear my Realtree camo and my AK instead of my .223 and go hunt coyotes, that makes me a Rambo-ite??!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

No that doesn't make you a Rambo-ite...I know that...you know that...the non-hunting community DOES NOT know that. And the anti's use that against us. Make no mistakes gentlemen, gun control is precipitated by public perception and opinion, even if that perception is incorrect. wink.gif


... but I think your comments would do more to advance the anti-fodder than anyone else's on this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

confused.gif Really? In what regard? Because I've read what Zumbo actually said?...because I haven't applied personal interpretation to his comments?...because I haven't participated in the malevolent spread of mis-information?

Zumbo's blog is posted earlier in this thread. Maybe I'm missing it...but I cannot find where he states that personal ownership or use of these weapons for target practice or self-defence, should be banned. It is NOT there.

He simply states that, as a hunter, he doesn't like the use of these firearms as hunting guns...Is he alone in those beliefs?

Here...read this thread from another site...and note that it is from before Zumbo's comments:


(I like the picture of buddy's marksmanship on page 6 !!! shocked.gif)

So where do we go from here...Tar and feathers for the guy who suggested a .22 isn't efficient enough to shoot deer? (I can recall an article in a 1972(?) Field and Stream about the young skeet-shooting phenom, Matt Dryke using a .22 to shoot a deer!)

Burn the SOB out of house and home for making us give up lead in the duck and goose blind?

And a limit of 3 shells in the gun for waterfowling...What's up with that!!! ( tongue.gif)

What has happened here is nothing more (or less) than a modern day witch hunt.

Zumbo has been hung.

It would have never escalated to such proportions if firearms users didn't villify his musings into a Second Amendment violation, and burn up the internet in their ire.

Have at it, folks. Yup...I am Canadian...Yup...we did lose our battle with the Gun Control advocates, even though our arguments were sound and are proving themselves true, each and every day.

I am sure all of you have "Canadian" friends, even though you have never taken them home to meet the wife and kids...and when you socialize with them, it is always at that discrete little place, where you take a table in the back of the room, just in case an acquaintance shows up. Is use of the "C"-word prohibited in your home? grin.gif (that is all said tongue-in-cheek, folks...don't git yer knickers in an uproar laugh.gif)

After 42 years of serving the hunting and shooting sports, I believe that Jim Zumbo deserved more than the, obviously, fleeting support of the firearms using community. He was made a 'sacrificial lamb' of 'the cause'.

Sad. frown.gif

...And that's all I'll have to say on the subject...


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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!


Zumbo's blog is posted earlier in this thread. Maybe I'm missing it...but I cannot find where he states that personal ownership or use of these weapons for target practice or self-defence, should be banned. It is NOT there.

He simply states that, as a hunter, he doesn't like the use of these firearms as hunting guns...Is he alone in those beliefs?

[/ QUOTE ]


He offered his thought that this was a bad image for hunters. Okay, that's his opinion. But, he went even further, calling for game departments to ban the use of these rifles for hunting. After crossing the line and calling for a banning of those guns for hunting, he firmly planted his foot on a land mine and called AR-15s "terrorist rifles."

[/ QUOTE ]

Simply states??!! confused.gif

You are minimizing what he said, Bob. HE was a professional and did not act it. There were many ways he could have expressed his opinion. The hunting community is sending a message that we will not tolerate this even from one of our own.

This to shall pass (like a kidney stone, but it'll pass).

Sediment = sentiment. (must have been a Fruedian slip) tongue.gifwink.gif

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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!

Really plain and simple the anti's dont understand anything more than the liberal minded media wants them too. After all they can be led to believe that ANY deer rifle is a "sniper" rifle. The naive and uninformed public when they hear comments such as Jims from someone amongst us, especially someone viewed as a professional such as himself, only feeds into what the antis are trying to accomplish, and iit really is a shame that such comments were ever made in the first place.

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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!

Outdoors with Othmar Vohringer



By now everybody should be aware of the unfortunate blog entry by Jim Zumbo on Outdoor Life that unleashed an angry storm by firearm owners. The outrage of the firearm community in form of thousands of forum postings and emails where cause enough for Outdoor Life to close the blog “Hunting with Jim Zumb”. Remington, Mossy Oak and some of the other Zumbo’s sponsor, concerned with their financial bottom lines and in an efford to appease the hostile crowd -possible customers- quickly decided to drop Zumbo, their spokesperson of many years, like a hot potato.

Personally I don't care if Zumbo said it, I don't care if he knew what he was saying, I don't care if he meant every word of it or not. I would not have written what he did. But I am 100% behind Jim Zumbo the man. Jim Zumbo is a respected hunter, outdoor writer and book author for all of his life. He has done more positive for the hunting sport and gun ownership in his life than many of the folks that bash him now. I do not judge the man for one comment he made but for what he achieved and the dedicated support he gave to the hunting community.

To be honest I wonder where all these thousands of people are when the anti gun lobby spouts their agenda at nausea. Lets face it. Whenever someone tries to get a petition going against the anti gun lobby he is lucky to get a couple hundred signatures together. But if it is one of our own then it seems that the outrage is thousand fold. Yet it is the anti gun lobby that threatens the second Amendment, surly not Jim Zumbo.

Mind you, after reading some of the comments made by outraged hunters and firearm owners last night on various blogs and forums I am actually glad that these people do not write to the anti gun lobby and the government. I understand that communication skills don't come free with every box of ammo. But what I read last night is nothing short of a medieval lynch mob mentality. A good many of the comments in regard to Jim Zumbo could be easily classified as threatening. Others where in such foul, demeaning language that one has to wonder or the parents of these people ever bothered to teach them the basic manners and courtesy. The few voices of reason quickly where shouted down by the angry mob.

The anti gun lobby portrays us as uneducated gun totting lunatics. I am afraid that the majority of the responses to Jim Zumbo’s article might do us more harm in the long run than Jim’s thoughtless comment. When do we learn that the interest groups that are against us closely observe every action and every word of us in the hope they can use it against us. Unfortunately the antis got plenty of material the last two days from hunters and firearm owners to support their opinion of us.

I have said it before and I will say it again; “Wouldn’t it be wiser for us to be more tolerant of each other and pick our battles with the ones that really threaten our way of life instead of with our own?”

[/ QUOTE ]

My sentiments exactly Othmar. Sometimes you have to stand outside the box to see what's inside, and all I've seen is a pack of wolves eating one of their own, out of shear fear, and nothing else.

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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!

Steve, I think we can agree that we can respect Zumbo for his accomplishements while at the same time be very disappointed by what he said, as it was really pretty ignorant and very careless. Zumbo brought up the mention of banning firearms as they were deemed in his opinion to be not necessary, I just dont think that is the type of talk that gun owners and hunters appreciate or want to hear and seems it is his own words that have come back to haunt him, not what other hunters and firearms owners are saying about him. How can gun owners support what he said here. Supporting him as a hunter is one thing, but giving the false impression that gun owners agree with him and his very strong opinions on this issue is entirely another.

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Re: Jim Zumbo\'s anti comments!!


Outdoors with Othmar Vohringer



By now everybody should be aware of the unfortunate blog entry by Jim Zumbo on Outdoor Life that unleashed an angry storm by firearm owners. The outrage of the firearm community in form of thousands of forum postings and emails where cause enough for Outdoor Life to close the blog “Hunting with Jim Zumb”. Remington, Mossy Oak and some of the other Zumbo’s sponsor, concerned with their financial bottom lines and in an efford to appease the hostile crowd -possible customers- quickly decided to drop Zumbo, their spokesperson of many years, like a hot potato.

Personally I don't care if Zumbo said it, I don't care if he knew what he was saying, I don't care if he meant every word of it or not. I would not have written what he did. But I am 100% behind Jim Zumbo the man. Jim Zumbo is a respected hunter, outdoor writer and book author for all of his life. He has done more positive for the hunting sport and gun ownership in his life than many of the folks that bash him now. I do not judge the man for one comment he made but for what he achieved and the dedicated support he gave to the hunting community.

To be honest I wonder where all these thousands of people are when the anti gun lobby spouts their agenda at nausea. Lets face it. Whenever someone tries to get a petition going against the anti gun lobby he is lucky to get a couple hundred signatures together. But if it is one of our own then it seems that the outrage is thousand fold. Yet it is the anti gun lobby that threatens the second Amendment, surly not Jim Zumbo.

Mind you, after reading some of the comments made by outraged hunters and firearm owners last night on various blogs and forums I am actually glad that these people do not write to the anti gun lobby and the government. I understand that communication skills don't come free with every box of ammo. But what I read last night is nothing short of a medieval lynch mob mentality. A good many of the comments in regard to Jim Zumbo could be easily classified as threatening. Others where in such foul, demeaning language that one has to wonder or the parents of these people ever bothered to teach them the basic manners and courtesy. The few voices of reason quickly where shouted down by the angry mob.

The anti gun lobby portrays us as uneducated gun totting lunatics. I am afraid that the majority of the responses to Jim Zumbo’s article might do us more harm in the long run than Jim’s thoughtless comment. When do we learn that the interest groups that are against us closely observe every action and every word of us in the hope they can use it against us. Unfortunately the antis got plenty of material the last two days from hunters and firearm owners to support their opinion of us.

I have said it before and I will say it again; “Wouldn’t it be wiser for us to be more tolerant of each other and pick our battles with the ones that really threaten our way of life instead of with our own?”

[/ QUOTE ]

My sentiments exactly Othmar. Sometimes you have to stand outside the box to see what's inside, and all I've seen is a pack of wolves eating one of their own, out of shear fear, and nothing else.

[/ QUOTE ]Thanks Othmar!!! That's pretty close to my thoughts too!! It's just that sometimes I get "terets" with this kinda post!! blush.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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