My 2006 files.....


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This years hunting Stats

late september was the youth hunt and being 16 its my last year. I shot a real nice 8 point. we looked for it, walked the property i dont know how many times but no blood. 2 days later i get a call from the neighbor saying there is a big dead 8 point on his property (we werent allowed on it) he told me i can have the antlers if i get rid of the body (it was really really spoiled) Then in late Doe season i shot a real nice doe with my 870 express. Kinda slow but it was okay.

just thought id let you all know. grin.gif

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Re: My 2006 files.....


i hate to loose deer but that is part of hunting as long as you give your best effort to find what you wound still when i loose a animal it makes me sick to my stomachat least you wont have to wonder what ever happened to your buck

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Yea i gotta be honest i was sick. it sucked but this is what happen (or at least i think) When i shot he kicked up his back legs. which means i hit him a little back, it was poaring rain and we looked...and looked,...and looked. so i thought to myself. maybe he kicked up his back legs to get over the ditch. a hole bunch of thoughts were running threw my head. but when i came up to him on one side it looked like a perfect shot (exit) i flipped him over, and it was a little back (nicking guts maybe) so i came to the conclustion when i shot i hit him back the bullet went through gujts and lung and casued internal bleeding becasue masybe the guts would have blocked the hole or somethime in that nature.

Anyone follow me?

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