Whisker Biscuit Shooters


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Ok everyone.. I need to know something from everyone who shoots a whisker biscuit. How long is your draw and how long are your arrows? Is there a big difference between your arrow length and your draw length? Reason I ask is because I just put a WB on my bow. In order to determine my arrow length, my dad and I marked one inch past the WB on the arrow when I was at full draw. We then cut the arrows and found out the arrows were then 24.5" long. My draw is 26". Is this correct? Did we screw up?

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Re: Whisker Biscuit Shooters

did you do a safety check on them, weigh your arrow with broadhead and see if your poundage your safe to shoot that arrow.

Remember anytime you shorten an arrow you take away weight and if your on the edge on being too light that is not safe. It could hurt you and damage your bow as well.

Draw length and arrow length don't need to be the same number, that arrow does have to be safe and weigh enough to handle the poundage you are set at.

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Re: Whisker Biscuit Shooters

Hutch.. you're right and I just worked it all out. I pulled out my dads scale that measures weight in grams. I measured all the inserts I have and all the shrink fletch I have and my lumenoks. Then after writing down the weight of each in grams, I used the converter calculator on my cell phone. The weights of each individual insert, lumenok and shrink fletch were all the exact same.

Here is what I came up with:

Shaft w/o broadhead = 218.05 gr

Lumenok = 24.7 gr

Shrink Fletch = 26.2 gr

Insert = 16.9 gr

Broadhead = 100 gr

I added all of them together for a grand total of 385.9 gr. Then divided by 60 ( I'm pulling 60# ) and got 6.43 GPP. So I'm ok.. right?

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