Forum vs. Work

Guest bruteshooter

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Guest bruteshooter

Quick Poll. Who spends time on the forum while they're supposed to be working? And do you find yourself actually spending more time on the forum while at work than while you're off and at home?

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Re: Forum vs. Work


I do all the time, But, I'll bet Andrea ignores this post!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Can't deny it...I'm here too much. It's all y'all's fault too. tongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif

Actually, I'm quite talented when it comes to multi-tasking. wink.gif So, no problem here.

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Guest bruteshooter

Re: Forum vs. Work



I do all the time, But, I'll bet Andrea ignores this post!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Can't deny it...I'm here too much. It's all y'all's fault too. tongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif

Actually, I'm quite talented when it comes to multi-tasking. wink.gif So, no problem here.

[/ QUOTE ]

And YET ANOTHER new avatar!!!!!

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Re: Forum vs. Work




I do all the time, But, I'll bet Andrea ignores this post!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Can't deny it...I'm here too much. It's all y'all's fault too. tongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif

Actually, I'm quite talented when it comes to multi-tasking. wink.gif So, no problem here.

[/ QUOTE ]

And YET ANOTHER new avatar!!!!!

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Gotta keep the fans happy. cool.gif

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Re: Forum vs. Work


When I was working,I spent alot of time on the forums

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Same here. Although it never detracted from getting the job done.

Unfortunately I lost my job due an "electoral" downsizing a couple of months ago and now my internet, aside from my job searching, is sporadic at best. Man, I really need to get online at home!

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Re: Forum vs. Work

Not too often. I'm a mechanic so I'm pretty busy all day. Sometimes if I'm programming a module on a vehicle which we do through the comptuer, I'll shrink the window down and come on and browse a little bit while the module is programming. Sometimes at lunch or before work starts too. Spend 98% of my time on here at home though. grin.gif

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Guest Herd_Bull

Re: Forum vs. Work

i can't go on the forums at work, cause im out in the oilfield working all hours of the, but there's a bright side to it, im out in the bush and i get to see animals and then when i come home im right on

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