Did I get the right arrowz???


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Re: Did I get the right arrowz???

Not for me...125 grain tips on 340's kicked badly. They grouped, but they would not make bullet holes and overall I was very unhappy with their performance. Just be prepared to have a pretty slow arrow flight. I think, at 66 pounds and 28", I was only around 240 or less with my 340's. If you can add enough weight to it (tip), then they'd be alright, as JB said.

That is why I think I've settled on Carbon Express rather than Gold Tip. I'm real borderline between 55/75's and 75/95's. I should really go with 75/95's, but I don't want to go that heavy. I'm good (with room for more draw weight and length) with CX300's, and they are the weight I want.

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Re: Did I get the right arrowz???

But you could noticeably notice the arrow kicking (left I believe, might have been a polish left too). An arrow making bullet holes will penetrate better for hunting, rather than one that is still flying erratically when hitting the animal. Don't want an entrance behind the front shoulder and an exit out the rear end. grin.giftongue.gif

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