My Africa Safari


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Re: My Africa Safari

I did not enter them in SCI but I entered them in Trophy Game Records of The World. I will know the official results in July. But unofficialy 4 of these critters score as new world records. The Blesbok is a new unofficial world record by a mile. I am very lucky. Currently I have three World Record certificates.

I shot this Steenbok on my last safari.

Take care,



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Guest Loves_To_Hunt458

Re: My Africa Safari

You are one lucky kid! You must be very proud! grin.gif

Like I said earlier, you are very lucky that you have these memories and expierences--these will be stories you tell your children(and so on...) smile.gif

Congrats! grin.gif

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Guest bbarnett51

Re: My Africa Safari

Hey Ty, Good to see you over here. This forum is a little more tame then some of the others. I don't think you will have to deal with many naysayers!!!

What are you chasing next? I will be after the turkeys here pretty soon..take care buddy.

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Re: My Africa Safari

I'll be hunting varmints and hogs thru summer. We lost our turkey lease. I stuck some varmints in Africa too. And sorry about all the different camo. I guess Mom and Dad buy what fits me or something.

Take care,



I will also go to Pennsylvania to visit my Pappy and shoot some groundhogs. Check out this camo!


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Re: My Africa Safari

Congrads on all your success young man....we also have a youth forum, and I would love to see your posts in there as well......I am happy to see such a nice young man show his passion toward bowhunting....that rocks....tell us your total set up....we know the bow, now what arrows and broadheads have you had luck with on low draw weight.....kudo's to your to see more pics of the critters also in the taxidermy room....I think you will love it here at

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Re: My Africa Safari

I use to shoot a Martin Tiger set at 40 pounds. I used Magnus 100 grain two blade broadheads. I shot this buff with that set up with Gold Tip Arrows painted white.


Now I shoot a Mathews Mustang with a Whisker Biscuit rest and ICS arrows with Magnus Stinger two blade broadheads. We take the 85grain 4 blade and remove the bleeder and add 15 grains of weight behind the head. The reason we use the 85 grain and add weight versus just using the 100 grain is because the 85 grain is a little narrower for better penetration on big stuff.

Take care,


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Re: My Africa Safari

Tis is a Asia Waterbuff. It is not a big one. Here in Texas a lot of people have exotic animals. This one was taring stuff up and braking fences and stuff. So Mr. Paul called me to come shoot it with my bow. Dad and I butchered it for him. It is great eating. I shot it with a 85 grain Magnus Stinger Buzz Cut We made it a two blade and added 15 grains of weight. I got penetration up to the fletch.


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Re: My Africa Safari


Yeppers, just keep them coming, and I'll just sit here with my jaw in my lap. ..LOL grin.gifcool.gifcool.gif

I'm impressed. wink.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

You and me both Steve.... grin.gifwink.gif

This young man has it going on ,,,, WELCOME aboard Ty,,, and don't worry about the camo, we mix and match around here all of the time... wink.gif

CONGRATS, on some great loking trophies ... cool.gifcool.gifsmile.gif

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Re: My Africa Safari

Thank you all for the nice words. I don't have any sponsors. I tried getting a bow from several companies but it never would happen. When I out grew my Martin Tiger we went to the bow shop and bought this used Mathews. I am really fortunate that my parents take me hunting so much.

Take care,



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Guest Loves_To_Hunt458

Re: My Africa Safari

I'm amazed, too! Your an excellent hunter and I hope I can have the same oppertuities that you have had. I hope I can shoot as well as you, too. Great job on all of yo rhunts and I wish you good luck when you go back to Africa! smile.gif

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Re: My Africa Safari

Thank you,

I am very fortunate. My Dad lets me do most of the shooting and he runs the video camera. Dad says he likes to watch me more than hunting himself. Dad only shot one animal in the last four or five years. I was with him when he shot it. It was in Africa and he shot a huge Blue Wildebeest.

Take care,



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