My Africa Safari


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Guest Bonemass
That would be like a dream come true!!!!

Dad taught me to shoot bow when i was real young.

Take care,


IMO Ty you are already on your way. Your Parents have good forsight !!

Your father/mother must have a few stories to share of their own. I would like to hear from them too. I don't even know you and i am proud of you...I can only imagine how proud they are of you and your accomplishments. Dad better invest in a good cam and start getting vid footage of your hunts. Heck you already would have had enough for a Awesome DVD.

I would be lying if i said i wasn't just a little bit jealous...... I would love to do a African Hunt, but doubt i will ever be able to. In 10 yrs i'll be reading your name on the front pages of the Hunting Mag's( I hope anyhow)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just got back from Quebec.

Shot this bear with my new MArtin and Crimson Crocs.

Had total pass through.

It was an awesome trip.

The video footage turned out great!

Take care,


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out of all the critters you've posted here what are your top 4 or 5 favourites ??

I shoot a Martin Leopard. And i love my Crimson Croc broadheads.

My favorite critters so far are, Bear, Eland, Nyala, Kudu, Zebra, Buff, Turkey, Rabbit, Hogs, I like them all. I just love to hunt.

Take care,


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Totally amazing Ty! Just wondering what you're doing with all of your video footage? Plan on producing anything with it?


I make DVDs with my video footage. My Africa DVD is cool.

Take care,


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  • 8 months later...

I wish I had the opporatunity to hunt like that as a kid. But my dad never let me miss a local hunt we could get to.

I'll get myself to Africa one day. Thats my dream hunt. And if things keep going they way they are for me, I just might be able to take my son over there (well, future son, as I don't have one). My Fiancee already made it quite clear that an African Safari is not an acceptable honeymoon....

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