Is there any rifle scopes made in America?


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Re: Is there any rifle scopes made in America?

I'd be curious to all those "made in the USA" brands...if they were 100% US. What I mean is...just because they are stamped "made in the US" doesn't mean the lenses, metal, mirror etc...all came from the US. Some of this stuff maybe imported and made and assembled in the USA. Sorta false advertising to me...but I guess we'll never know unless we actually got to work/tour their factory's.

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Re: Is there any rifle scopes made in America?

I believe that products need to be atleast 75% domestically made in order to be called "made in America"...But who knows...and whos gonna check confused.gif

Weaver I think has most, if not all of their stuff made in the Phillipines. Unertl is top of the line sniper equipment made here and our troops use them. I do think Nightforce is Australian. I know T/C scopes are made in Korea. Japan makes good quality optics and I would consider Nikon too. I am all for the domestic purchases, but one could go crazy looking for 100% domestically made products now a days.

Leupold states" made right...made here" That tells me "made in USA"

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Re: Is there any rifle scopes made in America?


One of these days I am considering purchasing a rifle scope, and was wondering if Leupold was the only American made scope these days. I like to buy American made products if possible to support our family's. Not the foreign countries.

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Buying a Zeiss conquest scope is also supporting American families. Zeiss has an assembly plant right here in America. The parts are produced in Germany but the scope is assembled here in the USA by American employees.

Don't know how much you are willing to spend but I'd buy the Zeiss conquest over any Leupold.

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Re: Is there any rifle scopes made in America?


Are you sure that Leupold is made in USA or assembled in USA?

There are some American optics makers like:

Nightforce which is much better than Leupold.

Unertl Optics which is 100% made in USA.

US Optics

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I saw some other guys discussing this on another forum. Leupold buys their glass from Korea I think. Its either Korea or Japan but I believe its Korea because Nikon's glass is made in Japan.

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  • 2 years later...
Burris scopes are made in america all so

I was under that same impression that burris scopes are made in America, however I don't know that means the parts are all manufactured here. Burris bino lines come from China if I am not mistaken. Also my understanding that some scopes that are assembled in China still use the same glass of some of those "better" quality scopes from Japan.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Redfield - Made in the USA

Recent articles in " Shooting Times " and " Guns & Ammo " magazines are highly praising the return of the Redfield brand name scopes. Redfield was sold a couple years ago to Leupold & Stevens in Beaverton Oregon.

The entire scope is American made and assembled here.

The reviews are outstanding on the product and the prices are around $200 or less.


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