What made you want to start deer hunting?


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Re: What made you want to start deer hunting?

The outdoors in general are really big in my family and my dad started taken me fishen before i was one year old in one of those thing the kid sits in on your backand then just after my 2nd birthday he started taken me hunting with him he would carry me up the hills and let me walk on the flats and i just feel in love with nature and the comrodery of hunting and would never want it any other way

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Re: What made you want to start deer hunting?

My grandfather was the hunter in the family. He pretty much grew up in the woods around Minden, LA. He got my father involved and I was the only grandson interested in hunting out of his 6 grandsons. Back in the days when my granfather hunted there weren't any deer to speak of but he took me and my father squirrel hunting and showed us the general ropes of woodsmanship.

My 2nd cousin got my father involved in deer hunting when I was 10. After I pestered the devil out of my father for 2 years to take me, we made annual trips together until we moved to where we were closer to deer hunting country. From then on, I pretty much took off on my own deer hunting whenever the season was open and I wasn't in school.

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Re: What made you want to start deer hunting?

a friend took me in the woods on a bow hunt(i had no weapon --i was a spectator) that night i bought a 12 gauge , a tree stand, and fixed up a bow a different friend gave me!!!!!been hooked ever since!! i just can't get enough venison! so i'm going to broden my horizons and hunt other game too!!!!! grin.gif

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Re: What made you want to start deer hunting?

When I was four I started going with my dad out to my grandparents house for a weekend. I always had a ton of fun with him and seeing everyones deer. As I got a little older I liked to go see all of the people that I hadn't seen for a while. Even if my dad wouldn't get a tag I would go out and have a blast.

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Re: What made you want to start deer hunting?

Only hunted a few times with Dad as a very young boy and did not catch the bug for it.

I did however start trad and compound archery when I was 12 on my own with no help or mentor.

That evolved into me wanting to hunt with a bow but it took until my late teens before I did.

Gun hunting came soon after that.

I was not successful until I was in my early 20s during my time in the USAF.

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Re: What made you want to start deer hunting?

My dad and uncles never hunted, they were 1st generation Italian /Americans. My grandfather came over in 1910 on Ellis Island, bought a country property for $50 back in 1939, 75 miles outside of NYC. Gramps got himself a single shot Crescent Victor in .410ga and nothing was safe in those woods. grin.gif I always heard the stories on how my dad,aunts and uncles HAD to eat what ever Poppa brought home. They were depression era kids any meat was a delicacy. That property has since been sold, but I got that old .410 that was Poppas!( one of my MOST treasured guns).

Fast forward...late 80's. Had a cousin who married a avid outdoorsman who had hunted all over the US and was a gun collector too. We became good friends and he started taking me hunting with him. He showed me nothing as far as hunting goes... I learned eveything on my own. I hunted for 6 years before I EVER even seen a deer shocked.gif Since I shot my 1st deer, a 4pter. I have been successful every year since then and have become very educated concerning the ways of the whitetail and turkey.

I have 3 sons( 15,13,10) who all have been coming in the woods with me since they could walk. 2 of which have taken thier hunter ed courses and have lifetime licenses...like their Dad wink.gif The little guy will get his too once he takes his courses. Big guy has 3 turkeys and one bow killed doe under his belt.

I am soo greatful that I am in this sport. I have learned soo much about life, death and nature.

I grew up in NYC, so very little opportunity for shooting and hunting there.

I made sure I moved to a wooded area...( teaming with game) OUT of the city to give my kids a BETTER place to grow up than I did.

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Guest ohiobuckhuntergirl

Re: What made you want to start deer hunting?

i just got into deer hunting 5 years ago from my husband he's been going forever, i had always wanted to but never did,now i love it and wouldn't miss it for the world

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Re: What made you want to start deer hunting?

My dad's best friend bought a good piece of land 30 yrs ago and started going over when I was 10.I started shooting a bow when I was 11 and did a lot or squirrel and bird hunting and got into deer hunting around 16 or so.Little did those guys know that they created a monster(lol)

I shot my frist deer when I was 20 and statred gun hunting deer the following year.And thirty yeras later I'm still hunting on that propery.

Thanks Dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: What made you want to start deer hunting?

A buddy in college got me started bowhunting. I just liked the idea of hiding like a sniper, fooling deer, waiting for one to get close enough. I've always liked the outdoors, my dad got me started on that, but he never hunted deer, but when I found out I could spend more time out there bowhunting, it was a natural fit for me.

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Guest Loves_To_Hunt458

Re: What made you want to start deer hunting?

My dad got me interested in it. He was always going up-north during hunting, I would want to go with him! When he bought me my bow, I WAS HOOKED! grin.gif

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Re: What made you want to start deer hunting?

Had my Dad's good friend Sam, who just recently lost his battle with cancer, not introduced hunting to Dad about 10 years ago, I probably would not even know about Realtree, let alone it's forums. I didn't start hunting until I was around 20, a late start I think for most in here. Once my dad was hooked he started to get me involved and as they say "the rest is history". I'm glad he did too because I was at a point in my life where I could have gone down the wrong road but got really involved in hunting and met a lot of influential people. Thanks Dad!

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Re: What made you want to start deer hunting?

My grandpa took me when I was 9. I didnt realize it then but the land we were hunting was prime, saw about 30 deer a night. On the first hunt he handed me the grunt call just to let me have some fun. I blew it, and big doe comes running in, he shoots with his bow but missed. I call again and another doe comes in, another miss. Since then I have been HOOKED. I didnt bag a deer my first year, but on my second I shot a doe at 125 yards with a slug gun, shattered her shoulder and dropped her, then 9 days later, I shot a 100 inch 8-pointer in the same stand and he was in the same spot as the doe. He ran about 20 yards and was done. There is no way anyone could get me to give up hunting.


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Guest malikai

Re: What made you want to start deer hunting?

Dad got me into it, And taking walks in the woods did it as well. Its amazing fun and I'd never stop.



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Re: What made you want to start deer hunting?

I've always been some what of a natural athlete & I've always been drawn to sports whether its a physical sport such as football or a mental sport such as checkers or chess.

To me deer hunting is a combination of both. I didn't exactly grow up in a hunting family. Both my grandfathers hunted much during their childhood & adulthood, mostly for survival back in those days but they both died when my parents were teenagers. My dad pretty much quit hunting when he got married & had to raise a family but the hunting genes were passed down to me.

I get off on the thrill & challenge of trying to take mature whitetail deer. Like I said its a combination of being a physical & mental game.

That & I'm just an avid outside nature person with hunting I feel like I'm contributing something & giving something back to mother nature whether I harvest something or not.

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Re: What made you want to start deer hunting?

You know, there are still some times when I am hunting that I feel just a twinge of the ol' pioneer spirit in what I am doing. I often find myself on stand trying to imagine just what my hunting grounds used to look like back when people were still trying to settle this land, or indians were still in the area. Even stumbling across some old farm machinery or a rock pile in the middle of the woods is enough to set me back one or two hundred years. I often admire the spirit of independence and self-reliance that a lot of those who came before me had. And I enjoy the whole act of hunting as some kind of celebration of that heritage and culture.

Sure the equipment and methods have changed, but that same spirit of providing food from the land is still a large part of why I hunt.

This sort of thinking came upon me as a wee youngster, from whatever source, I really can't say. But it has kept me involved in all kinds of outdoor activities for my entire life without the need for any prompting from anyone else.


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Guest dedicatedmarine

Re: What made you want to start deer hunting?

While, growing up i had this step-mom that i never got along with and i never wanted to be at home. so, when i could, i went hunting. Dad would drop me off before work about 4:30, then pick me up after dark. He didn't think i would ever get one with the bow, he never bow hunted cuz he thought it was too hard. Finally one day he came to pick me up after dark, and he saw my flashlight coming down the trail in the marsh. I yelled "Dinner's ready!" he just laughed and smiled. Dad was really proud of me that day.

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