Repainted Jake deocy (pic)


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Re: Repainted Jake deocy (pic)


What kind of paint did you use. Mine is really coming off. brush or air brush

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I bought some acrylic paint at WalMart in the crafting section. Small bottles around $.78 a piece. I bought red for the wattles and snood, light blue for the face and neck , golden yellow for the beak, black for the eyes, and white for the crown. I mixed the light blue and the black to make a blueish grayish color for the nostrils and ear. The paints are supposed to be weather resistant, indoor/outdoor. So, I guess I'll see how it holds up. I guess if it ever flakes or scratches, I have the paint to touch it up again! I have thought about a little more red on B-Mobile as well. Thing is, you can paint it red one day, and then paint it back white the next.

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Re: Repainted Jake deocy (pic)


I love the paint job, but the snood....or point on the head should be off gray or white....not red....then it will look truly

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Well I have seen jake decoys with the snood red (Flambeau, Delta, CarryLite). But, on the full strutted gobbler decoys, their snoods are white. The snood on a gobbler can change colors and lengths anyway.

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