Spirit of The Wild


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Re: Spirit of The Wild

Uncle Ted's "THE MAN"!! Period.

The reason his nocking point is so far removed from his string loop is to bring the arrow in line with his line-of-sight. If you've not noticed........Ted shoots his compound instinctively.......no sights except for his eye. By setting up the difference in nocking point and string loop the shooter can more accurately visualize the arrow's flight.

Pick up a copy of "Become the Arrow" by Byron Ferguson if you ever get the chance. wink.gif

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Re: Spirit of The Wild

The other day I was thumbing through some old Deer and Deer Hunting magazines and happened to come across an article in the September 1996 issue that pertained to year round scraping. The article showed photos of buck working scrapes from late February all the way through August. It was pretty cool, some of the pictures showed bucks with no antlers working scrapes, while others showed bucks all the way through the antler growing process (as early as May) working them. The article goes on to state, "While scraping activity is heaviest in autumn as the rut nears, it doesn't totally cease in winter, spring and summer." However, it also states that bucks don't paw the ground out as much during the spring and summer, rather they tend to focus heavily on working the licking branch. So, the answer is yes; bucks do scrape on a year round basis, but not as frequently or intestly as we all are used to seeing in October and November. I guess Uncle Ted isn't as crazy as everyone thinks for keeping scrapes active year-round.

"I'm not from New York..I'm from WESTERN NEW YORK!!!"

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  • 4 years later...

Uncle Ted has done MORE than ANY other outdoor personality to protect OUR right to bear arms and OUR right to hunt.

He is not everyones cup of tea, but ALL outdoors people benefit from his work.

I love the "where have we seen this before?" when Uncle Ted picks up the bloody arrow :D.

I am surprised he still shoots that ancient Onieda bow. But hey man... it still kills.

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Guest Nickell
Think he's a little off his rocker(probably from one to many left handed cigarettes from his earlier life:eek:), but he does help out each and every hunter out there.........even you ms. andrea....:D

Lmao...that has to be the first time Ive heard it called a left handed Cigarette

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Think he's a little off his rocker(probably from one to many left handed cigarettes from his earlier life:eek:), but he does help out each and every hunter out there.........even you ms. andrea....:D

Oh yeah, and his music isn't that great either....sure it's nice if he wants to stand up for hunter's /gun owner's rights, but that doesn't mean I have to watch him.

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Originally Posted by Nut viewpost.gif

This thread was started 4 years ago:D

Awwww, Nut you went and ruined it... They didn't have a clue ... :D:D:D


Nope, I saw that, but still was wondering what episode it was about. Used to watch spirit of the wild a bit more regularly. Really dont watch it as often now.

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Yea i was wondering why my name was attached to a new thread... Didnt remember making one very recently, especially about Ted... Thought maybe i had a few too many budweisers and started posting, haha jk. As for my current opinion of Ted, he's entertaining, and great for the sport, but i still think he's a lil annoying. I'll take Waddell any day over him.

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Oh yeah, and his music isn't that great either....sure it's nice if he wants to stand up for hunter's /gun owner's rights, but that doesn't mean I have to watch him.

"The Spirit of the Wild running free, I got the Spirit of the Wild inside of meeeeee.........."

That was for you Ms. Andrea!!!:D:eek::D:eek::D:eek::D;)

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Oh yeah, and his music isn't that great either....sure it's nice if he wants to stand up for hunter's /gun owner's rights, but that doesn't mean I have to watch him.

"The Spirit of the Wild running free, I got the Spirit of the Wild inside of meeeeee.........."

That was for you Ms. Andrea!!!:D:eek::D:eek::D:eek::D;)

Well thankfully it was in text form.;)

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