Can you marry your sister?


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Re: Can you marry your sister?

I would not go as far as to agree with Eric, but think he is not completely wrong in what he says here about use of metaphors and being able to agree with most of the bible without taking all the stories as the modern king james version reads as being 100 percent accurate and true to what the original writings said. I think the bible at one time was indeed as Martin Hamann put it the absolute truth, however, MANS interpretations of translations and widely different varying views influenced by other men of those translations that have been handed down over the years may not necessarily be accurate to the true words as they were once written.

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Re: Can you marry your sister?

There are translations of the bible today that have been taken from the original Greek, Hebrew and Arabic text. I believe that they are more accurate than the King James simply because of the differences in the meaning of different words sence the KJ was written.

However if you are a student of Shakespearian (sp?) English, I think the KJ version is as accurate as any other.

For those of us who don't have a degree in 14th century English, the Coleman standard, NKJ New Amarican Standard and NIV are probibly more accurate for us.

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Re: Can you marry your sister?



[Can you marry your sister?]

I believe that's only allowed in West Virginia and Alabama these days.

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And, Arkansas. The best way to get to Arkansas? Just drive east (or west) until you feel like marrying your sister.

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Hey now, wait a minute there. You can't even marry your first cousin in Arknasas.

Please don't ask me how I know that. blush.gif

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Re: Can you marry your sister?

John, simply put, two different people can look at the same verse and get different meaning. In here, not so long ago there were some pretty good discussions on differing views on baptism.

When two different people can look at the same words and draw differing views, do you think it possible that what has been translated from its original Aramaic language could have also had some of what the original writing said taken out of context or possibly misunderstood by one translation to the next or possibly even had an influence by those who wrote what they translated? I agree totally that God's word is true, but I think it may be a little naive to believe what another man says just because you THINK it is accurate.

Questioning stories from the bible does not make a person blasphemous, God wants us all to learn. What better way to learn than to dissect and try to understand what took place with the stories you read. I don't think someone who questions a story in the bible as they are written to be any less a Christian than a person who just reads and says ok this is totally true without taking the time to have a better understanding of the meaning of what is written, if that makes any sense at all.

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Re: Can you marry your sister?

Good points William. I've also had different preachers preach on the same subject, use the bible word for word and have gotten two completely different meanings out of it.

Part of my reasoning is that I grew up in a cult that tought that major parts of the bible were simply untrue and the elders of the church decieded which was right and which wasn't. When I was in college I started studying the bible alot more and the only way I could reconcile this way of thinking was to decide whether or not I could belive any of it.

At the time I was not a part of any orginized religion. This was a very hard step for me because I basically had to turn my back on my upbringing in the church.

After much prayer and consideration I decided that the bible had to be taken literally or dismissed as fiction. That is the only way the I could personally reconcile it. It has served me well and I have found a denomination that shares my conclution.

I know many parts of the bible can be interprited in many ways, but the parts that are the most important are pretty much cut and dry.

Hope I didn't offend.

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Re: Can you marry your sister?


I would not go as far as to agree with Eric, but think he is not completely wrong in what he says here about use of metaphors and being able to agree with most of the bible without taking all the stories as the modern king james version reads as being 100 percent accurate and true to what the original writings said. I think the bible at one time was indeed as Martin Hamann put it the absolute truth, however, MANS interpretations of translations and widely different varying views influenced by other men of those translations that have been handed down over the years may not necessarily be accurate to the true words as they were once written.

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This is a more articulate version of what I was trying to say. Well put William.

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Re: Can you marry your sister?


i still cannot figgure out if i can marry my brother or not. even after ALL the above posts. but, i don't have any sisters.. only 4 brothers. so, can i marry my brother? i'm sure the libs can work this out for me.... how's that for throwing a bit of gas on the campfire.. lol

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Leave it to Steve to get things going again!! tongue.gif

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Re: Can you marry your sister?

I think probible in San Fran. Hawii, and probibibly Mass. I'm sure there are parts of L.A. that you could marry your dead brother and adopt kids with him.

Can't discriminate against insestual, homosexual necrophiliacs when creating a "family" ooo.gif

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Re: Can you marry your sister?



My answer to the original question, "Why would I WANT to??"

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never seen your sister so i cant awnser that. You guys get where i was going with this. and there are pretty good explinations.

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If I had a sister, and she looked ANYTHING like me, the answer is NO!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Can you marry your sister?




My answer to the original question, "Why would I WANT to??"

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never seen your sister so i cant awnser that. You guys get where i was going with this. and there are pretty good explinations.

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If I had a sister, and she looked ANYTHING like me, the answer is NO!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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lol grin.gifgrin.gif

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Guest michael_bolton

Re: Can you marry your sister?


If a person lives in Utah could they marry ALL their sisters????????????

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We are all brothers and sisters here!!!

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Re: Can you marry your sister?



I'm surprised this thread has gone as long as it has.

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Kind of thought the same thing this morning when I glanced through here again too.

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me as well when i fists posted it was part joke and part serious, i was away for two days and couldnt believe how many posts where there.

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