TEAM #5: Turkey Snipers

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I have not heard from 10acboy. I've sent him PMs but he has not returned any of them. Strut10 said to give him until March 17th before I report the no-show. I'm not exactly sure how the alternates are assigned or if there will be one available. We'll just have to wait and see.

Hopefully I'll get us started off on the right foot come Thursday morning. grin.gif

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Hey everybody - I'm here, I'm here. I don't know if it is too late or not, but I would still like to participate. I understand if you picked up another member. Please let me know. I have been sick for the last couple of weeks, plus home and work have had me slammed for a long time. I apologize for not getting on A LOT sooner, but please let me know.



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I'm sorry i havent been very talkative on here either. With baseball and school, i don't have much time. This is my Spring break week though. Season opens Thursday here. I'm finally gonna get my brother to go in the morn i think on the last day of youth season.

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Thanks for having me everybody. I feel much better now, just trying to get my endurance built up again. Whatever I had really messed me up for a couple of weeks. I'll try my best to get us some points for the team - the season doesn't open until the 14th of April I believe, I'll have to double check that.

Good luck everyone and I'll try to log into realtree more often.

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Well thursday morning i heard no gobbles, but i'm still optimistic. I'm going back to that place by myself in the morn. My dad and uncle got on a couple on a different place this morning. i couldnt go cause i had a game early today. Can't go there tomorrow cause i've got a game also.

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