Favorite sports figure??

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Roger Federer. After reading Rick Rielly's article on this guy, it's hard to imagine a better, more down to Earth person (except Tony Dungy, who's also up there on my list). Not to mention, Tiger and him are the most dominant players in their respective sports that I've ever seen.

Joe Sakic, Kamerion Wimbley, Travis Hafner, and Russell Martin:) are a few others that come to mind.

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Guest smallmouthaddict

A kid named Brendan Seguin,while he was fighting king of the cage matches he was working a regular job when most if not almost all of those guys train all year and has worked his way up the ladder which now he is fightingWEC World Extreme Cagefighting.

Al Kaline-when he played with the tigers he was offered a 100,000 dollar contract and turned it down because he thought that no player was worth that kind of money( What Character!)

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