TEAM #12: Strut Zone

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Hello everyone. Figured I'd check in first. wink.gif It took me a bit to find my name on the team list because it's spelled wrong. It's easy to spell my name wrong, though. Most people don't notice the 0's are zeros, not capital letter o's, in my name. It won't let me register the name Moon says it's taken by someone else, even though there isn't a member in the user list with that name. lol

Anyway, I reconize some of you from my 06 Deer Hunting team. It's pretty neat we got on the same team together for the Turkey contest, too. grin.gif For those of you that I'm teamed up with for the first time. You all can call me Moon. I'm a 21 (turning 22 on April 9) year old female hunter from Pennsylvania.

I'll be checking into the hunting cabin on the afternoon of 04/27/07 and departing for home on the early morning of 05/05/07. I'll actually be out in the woods hunting the turkeys until noon each day between the dates of 04/28/07 - 05/04/07. That gives me a total of 6 days (Can't hunt on Sunday's) to try to get myself a bird this year. I have all my gear ready to go already for the season. I got my gun all setup along with my blind and my calls. Now it's just the wait until the season rolls around. I really cannot wait for it!

I hope we can all have a fun, safe, and successful season this year. cool.gif As far as team names I'm open for anything. Last year I was on a team called The Spur Collectors. I hope to hear from you all soon! grin.gif

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Changed your name on the list. It's spelled right, now. wink.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

lol I was using FireFox's search to find my name on the list quicker and when it said my name wasn't there I was like "uh oh". I eventually found it by scrolling though. Thanks for changing it Strut. I would love to be the username Moon except the system incists it is taken everytime I try to change my name to it. I cannot find the mysterious invisible Moon character on the User List still to this day that is preventing my from having the correct spelling of my name. grin.gif

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Figured I'd post a copy of who's all on our team.

TEAM 12:

  • [*]pointing_dogs_rule*






I hope more members check in soon so we can come up with a team name. cool.gif Here's some name suggestions off the top of my head. They are in order from most liked by me to least liked.

  • [*]Team Strut Zone

[*]The Spur Collectors

[*]The Gobble Getters

[*]Team Turkeyaholics

[*]Team Gobbling Thunder

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RTF here. I'm going to leave the name up to you guys. Anything works for me. I am super busy and cant check in much. PM me if you need to get a hold of me. heck I gotta find the rules and regs for this years contest. Good luck to all you guys. I hope you spank a big gobbler where it counts .

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Let me know guys if you agree on the name and I'll tell Strut10 he told me long as the majority of the members on the team agree on the name anyone on the team can submit the team name to him. We should get the name in soon to make sure another team doesn't take it.

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Thanks RTF! grin.gif If anyone else would like to use the signature since we're now officially Team Strut Zone here's the instructions below.

You can put it in your signature by doing the following:

  1. Go Here [LINK]
  2. Find the Signature box.
  3. Copy and Paste this code into that box.

  4. Scroll to the bottom and press Submit.

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Hi guys (and gals)

I am finally here. I hunt turkeys in Iowa with the bow. I guess I love the challenge. Season starts somewhere in April and lasts through May so I have plenty of time to screw up and miss a couple. (LOL)

Good luck to all of you and remember: I see this as a FUN contest. So be safe and have a great hunting season. Hope to see lots of photos of those long beards.

I guess that I have been nominated as team captian so I will keep checking up on who is checking in and who are the no shows.

the dog

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  • 4 weeks later...

Got him

I managed to connect on a gobbler this evening 6:20 to be exact. I went down there to put my blind out for in the morning. As I was putiing my blind up I heard a gobble in the distance. So I went out and set up a jake and hen decoy. I called a few times went out a response. So I called every 15 minutes mostly soft clucks and a purrs. Then the rain came in so heavy I couldn't see acroos the field and my decoys were taking a pounding by the rain and wind. Thats when I said why didn't I go to the truck after sitting up the blind. I started to get everything together and was waiting for a break in the rain to head to the truck when I noticed a tom running into the decoys with another right behind him. They come into the jake decoy and started to tear him up when he was greated with a load of Winchester sixes. He started to flop around a little and the other gobbler started to work my bird over pretty good. Usually I would have run him off but a wet bird isn't much to look at so I let him have his day. I decided it was enough and went to get him thinking the other tom would fly off. Wrong, he didn't want to leave I got to withing 10 yards before he ran off. I put my foot on his head and looked up and the other tom was 35 yards away and putting his head off. When all of the sudden a tom gobbled right below the ridge where I had my blind set up. I grabbed my vest and gun and got out of there before I spooked him. So I hope to get one of them in the morning.

Sorry for the long story but all in all it was a great day to be in the woods.

Here is the wet guy after being beat up and soking wet and not to mention the ride home in the back of the truck. 21lbs, 10.5 inch beard and each spur was 1 1/8.


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