TEAM #13: Butterball

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Hi guys. Our season starts April 7th and ends May 20th. I still do not know if I will draw a tag to hunt Merriams in my county or have to travel to the adjoining county, where the tags are available over the counter, to hunt Easterns. No matter, for I will be hunting turkeys in just over four weeks. Good luck to everyone!

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Hey everyone. Season kicks off here in Indiana in late April and runs into May. I already got a 3 spots lined up in 3 different counties so somethings got to give over here.....

How about Strut Busters for a team name....

When somethings strange.......... in the turkey woods.....Who you gonna call....STRUT BUSTERS.......

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Guest Galimbhanger


I'll throw a few ideas out there

"Strut Stoppers"

"widow makers"

" Team Butterball"

"the beard trimmers"

thats about it grin.gif

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I have hunted EVERYTHING with the same Winchester 1300 XTR 3" 12 gauge for the past 26 years. I have killed deer, rabbits, grouse, pheasants & a pile of turkeys with the same gun! And truth be told.....I use the factory full choke for turkeys. I have killed more than 20 birds ..never lost one. most around 20 yards but a few out to 40 yards. And I hate to admit it, I have NEVER patterned that gun! Almost afraid to now. I may jinx myself. grin.gif

I have also killed 3 with my bow. Hopefully I can get a nice one for ourt team. I took the overall top honors 2 seasons ago. And killed teh SMALLEST bird for an adult last year! So I have run the spectrum wink.gif

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Did we all agree on Team Butterball for a name? One of us should PM Strut10 and let him know.

I'll be using my Mossberg 835 this year. The only turkey I've killed was was my brother's Hardwoods Green HD 835, but he's hunting the same time so I'll be using my own gun.

It was 59 here yesterday and sure felt like turkey season. grin.gif

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I think I may be starting to resemble that name. Sounds good! This is about the only time I get a chance to dust off the ole shotgun anymore so I'm going with the Remington 870 Super Mag and 3&1/2" hevi-shot. Then again, I'm inclined to take the bow also. Hmmmm decisions.....decisions......

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Guest Galimbhanger


I'll probably just use my shotgun this year. I've had some bad luck,in the last to days I've found out two of my four spots have been leased out and the two left are not very good but I will still be able to make a couple trips to public land. I also have a trip set up with some of my team members at the Grey Ghost plantation here in Ga

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