TEAM #21: Full Fan Fanatics

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Re: TEAM #21: Full Fan Fanatics

Posted my close encounter story in the turkey hunting room. Shoulda, coulda, woulda but didn't bag a bird...yet.

The weather wasn't exactly right for turkey hunting but in all I saw 5 long beards opening day but only one was in range (the close encounter story). The others were hened up.

The 2nd day was uneventlful with high winds blowing from dawn till dark. I did manage to get a glimpse of the north side of a south bound strutting gobbler that afternoon. Unfortunately he went right into the neighbor's property behind a hen.

All I saw Saturday was 3 jakes that came running into my calls at 9:00. Pretty funny encounter though. They ran right by me looking for the bird they heard and then came right back to me milling around in front of me in a state of confusion. grin.gif

Heard a lot of birds Sunday morning but the real vocal ones were across a creek on the neighbor's property. The others shut up at fly down so I guess they went right with hens off the roost.

I'm also still dealing with loggers that are working 6 days a week. With 3 of us hunting our place we divide it up into 3 zones and switch zones every 2 weeks. Right now the dang loggers are in the main area of the zone I'm starting in this year. crazy.gif They make so much noise you can't even think straight. It does look like they will finish up this week though. Right now I have one ridge they aren't disturbing and that's where I had the close encounter. I'll be swithing to another zone on the 29th where I killed 2 gobblers last year and called another one up for my son on opening day that he killed. Those 3 birds were killed on the first 4 days I set foot in the woods after last year's season started. There's a lot of birds in that area this year too.

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Guest Buckfever1613

Re: TEAM #21: Full Fan Fanatics

Season opens up in GA next weekend and things are looking good. they are coming out in the fields every afternoon and are starting to show up in the same area in the morning. I have several good pictures and if my computer stops acting up i will post them for you.

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Re: TEAM #21: Full Fan Fanatics

OK Teammates....we're on the board!

He won't score real high though for a mature bird. My best guess is he was sick at some time which caused the melaninistic beard. His beard was broken off clean at 7 1/4" with the classic bronze tipped strands. He was also a lightweight at only 14 lbs. 11 oz. to add to the sick at one time thought too. According to the spur length (1 1/16" & 1 1/8") he's a 3 year old bird but sure lacks about 4 pounds for what he should have been for around here.

With the top 4 birds from our team going into the final count, ya'll won't hurt my feelings if I'm not in the top 4. grin.gif

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Re: TEAM #21: Full Fan Fanatics

This weekend seemed to be jake weekend. I worked a strong gobbling bird for 1 1/2 hours Saturday morning that turned out to be 2 jakes when they came in. They blew my ears out with a stong gobble right before they came into view. Got them in close to the 10 yard line so it was a fun hunt but no shooters.

Sunday was some of the same except this time it was 3 jakes coming in while hunting another area. The weather was far from perfect with fog rolling in a daylight, some wind and overcast skys that dumped a light rain for about 10 minutes. Not too many birds gobbled on the roost and the ones that did sure didn't gobble much. At flydown the gobbling was over. That is except those 3 jakes. By the time I got to them they were traveling together and gobbling in unison so they were pretty loud too.

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Re: TEAM #21: Full Fan Fanatics

well my weekend was kind of a roller coaster. heard one bird gobble way off all morning. we had 3 groups of 2 hunters on our place. we finally got the attention of 1 hen and started calling to her to get her fired up witch didnt work. we figured out where she was and made our move towards her. down in a bottom and back up the ridge to a field we see her boyfriend out in full strut dislpaying his stuff. we decide to crawl up to a tree to try coaxing him in but i guess he saw a shadow and wanted nothind to do with us. we then make it to where he was strutting and set up b-moble and a hen and call 2 of his hens in without the ol gobbler even making a gobble or showing his face.

sunday was wasn't any better heard nothing saw nothing. birds seem to like it better on our neibhors property alot better. they gobbled thier heads off sunday and this morning from what i've already heard.

we had a customer of ours kill his first bird on sat. said 4 birds gobbled from daylight till he killed his at 11:30.

i also got permission to hunt a plce again that i had some good luck with last season seeing big birds so hopefilly i'll have a crack at one of them. good uck to the rest of y'all. hope your weekend was better than mine.

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Re: TEAM #21: Full Fan Fanatics


we had a customer of ours kill his first bird on sat. said 4 birds gobbled from daylight till he killed his at 11:30.

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I can relate to that statement sportsman. Saturday morning I heard 6 birds gobble on the roost. 2 of those were the jakes I called up around 8:30. All the other birds shut up when their feet touched the ground. Now...I went to meet a friend of mine at 12:30 to go bass fishing that afternoon. He finally came riding in to his camp on his cart at 1:15. He said if it weren't for our plans to go fishing he would still be turkey hunting. He was on gobbling turkeys from daylight on and left 3 onery suckers that wouldn't hardly budge from a small area in a field but were still gobbling and strutting there when he left them to come meet me. smirk.gif

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Re: TEAM #21: Full Fan Fanatics

My understanding of his last several hours hunting was of him and his hunting buddy trying to work and watch those birds from a distance out in a big field. They tried several different positions around the field. The birds wouldn't hardly move from a small area out in the field but would still answer them. I guess he finally figured out the birds were going to just hang out there waiting on the hens to come to them.

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Re: TEAM #21: Full Fan Fanatics

well guys went out tuesday after work about 4 and the woods was dead silent. i fired up a hen at about 4:30 and she sounded as if she was coming to investigate what she thought was another hen. i never saw or heard from her for the rest of the afternoon.

my dad and his boss just came in and had birds gobbling good but were still with thier hens. they actually had one of the birds coming across a field to them then for some reason turned and left.

i'm going back when i get off at 3. Do i go and try to strike the bird back up or do i leave him til sat. and try another section of the property that hasnt been hunted yet??

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