TEAM #23: Cutt n Strut

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I received a PM from gobblengrunt_jenks asking me to make you guys a team signature. Here's what I came up with. I hope you guys like it. Good luck to your team! grin.gif


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you had us worried.

As far as practicing, Im going this weekend to an archery range that has a video screen you shoot at. Im pretty sure they have a turkey disc. If you guys havent done this you should really try it, TON OF FUN.

There are sensors on the back of the screen and you use special tips. Its pretty accurate on where you hit also. Great time and a good practice game for you and your buddies.

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I went scouting yesterday at the place where they just finished logging, man is it gunna be a good place, I got there around 6:15 and had already saw 2 differnt flocks of 30 turkeys or more in the fields and I was planning on staying after dark for a few more minutes but I had to leave right after i saw them roost I only heard 2 birds gobble going to one roosting site but I know there is plenty more birds all over the land the land owner had been in there doing somthing and that might have spooked some birds as well, but over all this is my best hunting place and I just thoght I'd tell you guys what could be in store for my turkey season....

When do you fellas think they will break away from the flocks they are in??

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Guest tarbaby


I was out shed hunting saturday and saw a lone tom. Don't think he was out looking but we was by himself. Have heard of a few guys hearing some gobbles in the morning and a few birds strutting. Getting me fired up.

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