TEAM #25: Strutbuster

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Guess I'll get Team 25 started.

Hunting easterns up here in NW Vermont and have been hearing and seeing birds but not on a regular basis. They just opened the area up here a few years ago so they are not in here thick yet but every year it rises more and more.

I hope to bag one this year on my property.

If not, I will go down to Josh's again and get one. LOL

Go Team 25!!!!

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Guest NorfolkHunter


TEAM 25:



fenderhunt 4



Oneida man

This will be my 6th season hunting Easterns in Ontario. I have had good luck in the past. Hopefully I can bag a large tom for our team this year. My season start on April 25th and ends May 31st. I have the first week of the season booked off from work so hopefully I can tag one early. Good luck to all of our team members. Get out there and shoot a nice long beard.


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Guest NorfolkHunter

Re: TEAM #25: Strutbuster

Hey Team Strutbusters

So far we are only missing gobblerbane08. I'll PM him and tell him to check in. When does everyones season start? What sub species are you hunting. Good luck everyone bagging a nice tom.


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Re: TEAM #25: Strutbuster

Mine, in my area, its only the month of May.

In the southern part of the state there is a fall season too.

I am hoping they open one up here in the next few years.

It has only been open a few up here as it is hence my limited bird sightings...

I try to go south once per year to hunt them thanks to Josh (VTbowhunter) but our work schedules dont mesh very well some years. Like this one.

Oh well...

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Guest NorfolkHunter

Re: TEAM #25: Strutbuster

Hey VTbowman.

Where abouts in Vermont are you. I stayed a night and drove through Vermont on my way to Nova Scotia in 2005. I believe it was Shelburne where I stayed. What a beautiful state you have. I actually saw a hen in Quebec not to far from the Canadian/American border. I was surprised to see a turkey there. Good luck on taking a turkey.


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Re: TEAM #25: Strutbuster

I am located roughly 3 miles east of the I-89 VT/Canada border crossing.

I literally live on the border.

Not a whole lotta birds up my way, but they are increasing every year.

As little as 5 to 6 years ago you would not see them up my way at all and the area was never open for hunting them until recently. Now you'll catch pretty good sized flocks every once in a while.

I hope to draw a bird or two in on my property. We hear them from time to time during the fall while bow/rifle huting and see them at times 5 feet away from our blinds. LOL

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Guest NorfolkHunter

Re: TEAM #25: Strutbuster

Hey fenderhunt4

The toms haven't started sounding off yet here in Ontario. I have been seeing some good flocks and with the weather starting to warm up they should start moving out of their wintering areas. I figure if the weather warms they should start gobbling near the last week of March. Good luck on your season this year.


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Guest NorfolkHunter

Re: TEAM #25: Strutbuster

Well the weather really warmed today. Do I ever have some great news. I saw a flock of 40-50 birds on the back side of a piece of property that I hunt about an hour ago. I can't wait till they start gobbling. Should be soon. I'll keep you all posted.


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