TEAM #30: No Doubt

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Well........I'm here. grin.gif I kinda feel like the nieghborhood kid who was always called last in a pickup game. grin.gif The teams came up with an odd number of contestants. So the bottom of the barrel got scraped. You'ns got stuck with me. crazy.gif

Team names, anyone??

Gobble Til Ya Wobble??


Longbeard Lynch Mob??

Spur Collectors??

Rope Wrenchers??

Butterball Busters??

Beards R Us??

Don't matter to me. We can also stay Team #30. wink.gif

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Well, everbody is here except Ambuscher & rebelyelp. I hope we hear from them soon so we can all get in on the names. Oh, by the way Strut, you're not the bottom of the barrel, that would be me, and when the barrel is a whiskey barrel, I'll gladly be at the bottom, that's where the good stuff's at. HA, HA. Well come up with a good name between the six of us, trust me.

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alright guys, i'm here, have been gone to the camp since I got out of class thursday, just got back into town..... heard 4 different birds and around 30 gobbles yesterday morning, i'm ready!! Have two kids that want to go during our youth season here in Mississippi, which just happens to coincide with spring break...

Tom Turkey Terminators

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Team no doubt works for me. Season here opens the end of this month. Watched about a dozen birds go through behind the house yesterday morning at 11. Should be a good season here. Just hope signing up and participating in the contest does not jinx me tongue.gif.

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