Walk in Coolers


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I just got a call from a friend of mine and I thought I'ld put this on here in case anyone was interested... if you are I'm sure you'll have more questions and I'll be happy to get them answered for you.

Basically we had a store in town that recently moved locations and my friend's company just bought the old building... they have 6 walk in coolers or frezers that they are looking to get rid of.

The sizes are

9 x 7

11 x 15

19 x 11

20 x 11

21 x 18

Let me know if your interested or have any questions...

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Re: Walk in Coolers

AJ - I'm sure they'll ship it, just don't know what the cost for shipping will be... if your serious I can certainly find out... they had a 5 x 7 that they already sold and shipped off to someone...

I'm assuming your smily face makes it sarcastic but i figured I'ld answer it anyway grin.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Walk in Coolers

ok sorry about the wait, heres what I know... basically they need these moved out within the next 2 months... price is negotiable but he was hoping to get $300-400 for each (which i'm betting is pretty darn cheap)... he doesn't want to ship them, if you want one you'll have to come and take it apart (which is good because then you'll be able to know how to put it back together) and haul it yourself... this is a kroger store that has moved, all of these were working at the time of the move (which has been 1 year)... each one of these has a chiller with it (the 18x21 actually has 2) see the pics below... all of the chillers are 110 volt so will hook up anywhere... however these do not come with a compressor, the reason is that the compressors are way to big for these units and they had 3 of them running off the same compressor... so you will need to talk to your local refrigeration company to find out what you would need for the size of the cooler... lastly the 7x9 is a freezer not a cooler, from what i understand the only real difference is the thickness of the walls... here are pics...

7x9 Freezer, also has a door heat strap on it...




7.5 x 12 Cooler



11 x 15 Cooler



11 x 19 cooler



18 x 21 Cooler - has 2 doors and 2 chillers, also has an I-beam with holes to hang meat hooks. I will say that this thing is huge!




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