Texas Motor Speedway


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Re: Texas Motor Speedway


I'll trade you my '06 National Champs Gator hat and t-shirt for the tickets. grin.gif

Sounds like a very good time is in store this year for Mr. Gator.

P.S.- BTW, why do you have a pic of Clorox as your avatar?

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Thanks, but unfortunately Marc, I will have to decline on that trade. wink.gif As for the clorox avatar, MCH will have to divulge that info, as I don't think I can tell the story that good

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Re: Texas Motor Speedway

Well as far as the Clorox avatar goes, first thing after getting camp set up at the Okie Bow camp this year, Jason breaks out a clorox jug and starts drinking it.grin.gifgrin.gif

Kind of surprised us. I mean, my grandpa used to do that, but he took the label off...grin.gif

Anyway, congrats on the gift. She didn't happen to get you matching sets did she???grin.gif

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