What is minimum for a food plot?

Guest SCRich

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest SCRich

Lots has happend since my last post. Got results back from the AG office and the tractor came in this weekend. I got the plot broken up but I was on-call so I could not really put a lot of thought into it. I think another 2 weeks of box blade (just the teeth) breaking up the soil and drying out the dirt and I should be in good shape. BUT the big problem I have now is how do I break up the clods without buying another $600 attachment! I broke the bank with an ATV and Tractor in about 2 weeks, not to mention I am building a house.

I am not rushing too much in one way since we are DRY really DRY and I have no way of watering the seed once I plant it. BUT I am rushing a bit since I want whatever I plant to grow well enough for the fall. I hope to be seeing some more rain in the next 2-4 weeks since that is the start of the summer weather for us.

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Rich, you might plan on shooting for a fall planting where if it is anything like here there will be more moisture. Get your soil worked up, get the ph right and try to plant some clovers with rye in the fall. The clovers will establish over the fall and winter, while the rye would give an almost instant draw.

Funny you mention using the scarifiers on the box blade for breaking ground, I have done that before myself and it works. Might also consider trying to find a used disc. Sometimes can run across some deals on them in pretty decent shape for under $200. Think I paid $250 for my old 8 ft JD wheel disc.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest deadeye270

Rich, I could tell by the lay of the land you were in upstate SC. I live in Fort Mill. You done VERY good to this point with the thinning and tractor purchase. A 4-5ft wide tiller would be the next thing on the agenda... but it can wait if you have to. Don't try to plant anything before the first week of sept. SC summers, and lack of rain, along with heavy deer populations will not allow anythin to get growing. The best thing you can do for your deer at this point is put out a few salt blocks. Our area is VERY calcium deprived and with bucks growing antlers and does producing milk they are literly fighting over the salt blocks. From the look of your property some doe thinning will also probably be in order. Also with all of the pines alot of lime will be in order when it comes time till it. What part of York county are you in? Getting involved in the DNR program was also a very good idea. Also for the fall you can plant a mix of wheat/oats/rye, which will be very cheap, and have a plot that will be used all fall/winter/early spring. Water is also a big need in our area. so just finding a low spot and digging a hole with the tractor (preferably in the shade) will give the wildlife a good place to drink when the creek starts to run dry. Hope all that helps. Good luck with the brush burns.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest SCRich

I am up in the Sharon area, well I am not for now but the property is. We still have had no rain, I don't call MAYBE .5 inches since Easter Sunday rain. This is nothing like last summer which is all I have to go by. Heck I can't even get Kentucky 31 to grow, I was out in the light rain on Sunday raking up a few bald spots along the road by our fence and then I did some starter fertilizer and some bulk seed. This is the second treatment, I thought it was going to rain about a month ago so I put it down and no rain. This time I did it WHILE we had the light rain (not enough to clean the dust off my tractor!) so MAYBE it will germinate.

I have given up on planting on the plot for now. I wanted something out there for this season but I guess not. At $8.99 a bag of corn I got to find something other than salt blocks to keep em' coming while the construction crews are in the area. Deer population has thinned out while construction is going on 600ft away but some are still hanging out. The turkey ain't too bad, one spooked me last night (20:40hrs) while I was taking some pictures of a track. Jury is still out if it's dual tracks or a mid-size bear since the ground is rock hard tracks are few and far between to find.

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