New York Turkey hunters?


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Re: New York Turkey hunters?

hey I might be interested if I've got the time. Was planning to hunt state land somewhere around anyway - state land in Scio has alot of turkeys I hear. Sounds like a fun idea. Of course mym om might say "I don't want ya going out in the woods with some guys you haven't even met" lol. Thought maybe a couple of the ladies will come.

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Re: New York Turkey hunters?

I always wanted to hunt NY. Been awfully close up in Tioga County, PA but I just never did get across the line. Dunno if schedule or finances would permit this year. What's a non-resident tag cost?? Do I have to have a license if I just call for someone??

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Re: New York Turkey hunters?


i dont think u have to have a license to call for someone strut.i hunt/live like 30 mins from the pennsylvania in steuben,chemung and schuyler

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I've done some hunting north of Gaines, PA in Tioga/Potter counties. Not sure where that is in relation to you all.

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Re: New York Turkey hunters?



i dont think u have to have a license to call for someone strut.i hunt/live like 30 mins from the pennsylvania in steuben,chemung and schuyler


I've done some hunting north of Gaines, PA in Tioga/Potter counties. Not sure where that is in relation to you all.

its about 30 mins or so from me

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Re: New York Turkey hunters?


Non-Resident Turkey Permit

(Must also have valid license to hunt small game.)


12+ Years


Non-Resident Super-Sportsman, OR

Nonresident Small Game License OR

Junior Hunting License (ages 12-15)


Hunt wild turkey during the fall and spring seasons.

For season and bag limit information see the Turkey Season map


$30.00 - included with NR Super Sportsman License

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Re: New York Turkey hunters?


im 2.0 hours north of allegany st park...there is lots of state land in the northeast corner of catt county....

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SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH thats my stomping ground!

I think the first weekend would be good. probably something like Fri, sat, and head out on Sunday after the morning hunt.

We could get a cabin at the State park and go from there. There is some great hunting in the park, and like cutter said some very good state land just a short drive away. 15 minutes or so.


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