Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunners

Guest realtrhunter

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Guest realtrhunter

Just went to the walmart in Carbondale, IL today. I saw all the gun racks empty and for salw. I asked what was going on and the guy working said that they stopped selling firearms last week. He said that the management said ATF was coming down hard on them. Sounds like some Antis got their hands into the uppers and are going to slowly get firearms out of the stores.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunners

Haven't heard the "Black Friday" rumor, but Wal-Mart has stopped selling guns in a number of stores. Trying to consolidate the market or something like that. Not sure why they would want to do that since Wal-Mart was the nations largest gun retailer.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

Ive heard that a lot of stores are going to quit carrying guns. Luckily all of them around here still have guns. Oklahoma will probably be one of the last states for them to drop gun sales.....

Thats a BAD trade idea for Wally world. To many sportsmen drift into the outdoor departments while their wives shop (and vise versa for you lady folk). wink.gif

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

I bet it's been 5 years since Walmart sold guns here, when they did they were just cheap ones anyway. In the large ones I have saw pellet guns and they do still sell ammo though. I think it probably had to do with all the crap you needed to go through to sell them. I mean it's a big hassle just to own a gun, let alone retail them. It was probably costing more than it was worth and not making any money off them.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

I'm gonna shoot an email off to Wally world and see what up. I have bought many guns at Wally world and got a bit depressed when I saw the gun racks gone. I know walmart said a while ago that they were gonna stop selling guns in certain stores. OK...maybe some stores had problems with the guns...you know guns missing and bad sales practices. Thats possible, but in ALL the stores?

I agree there must be some kind of agenda here.

We have to remeber that WalMart is based in Arkansas...home turf of the Clintons...rabid gun control people.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

I have worked for Wal-Mart unfortunately on and off for several years. Here's what is happening, "as far as I can tell." I have worked in the Sporting Goods department as well as managed it for a short time. If you ask a store manager at 5 different stores why they got rid of guns they will give you 5 different excuses. I asked ours and he said "violence." I was rather upset, the fact is this; the management staff at most Wal-Marts doesn't want to sell guns and that's it. They are scared of the legal implications of making a mistake. I don't know the truth behind the "Black Friday" remarks, but Wal-Mart has been supporting gay rights more openly for the last several years. The problem is that not enough people complain to Wal-Mart about these policies. Every upset customer that comes into the store, I urge them to call 1-800-Walmart to voice their opinion. Hopefully they do it and that is some advice for all of those of you upset on here. Call them and complain as passionately as you do on these forums.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

Some of you guys need to get your facts straight BEFORE posting on forums like this. Carrying firearms is a huge liability for the company and they decided to cut down the amount of stores that carry them to ease some of this liability. Every 15 seconds someone brings a law suit against Wal-Mart. So being the largest retailer in the world and the largest employer in the world (with the exception of the military), makes you the largest target in the world. Wal-Mart is trying to ease some of the pressure on them. Now, this doesn't mean I agree or am happy with it but I can understand it from a business perspective.

Secondly 257bob, if it is soo unfortunate that you have worked there for the last several years, then get another job and stop complaining. It's as simple as that!

Also, in case your wondering, Yes I do work for this company.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigun

Forget the business perspective....its ALL politics. Always when it comes to guns.

Should Chevy stop selling trucks because some will drive drunk with their trucks/cars and cause damage and kill?

I think not. How about they don't mop either, floors won't be wet, no one could slip.

Where does it end with "what ifs"?

How do YOU know its not part of a gun grab scheme?

K Mart stopped selling guns due to pressure from the antis, so whats to say Walmart isn't doing the same?

With the way guns are being treated today, a gun owner can ONLY think that it is something negative is happening towards his sport and hobby.

Wally world has made untold millions from selling guns, now that they have your money...they can change direction. The info Wally world gave a while back when they announced they they were gonna stop selling guns in some stores said it was only in about 100 stores nation wide, so how did 3 within 50 miles of each other get rid of firearms?

I sent an e mail to Walmart asking about the gun issue and the gay issue grin.gif

I will pass on the info when I get the response.

Until then...They do not get a dime from me or my family. That means Sams Club too.

The power of the comsumer should NOT be underestimated.

Everyone should contact Wally world and ask the questions, as someone said earlier, if we put the same energy into complaining...we should be able do make a difference.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigun

the black friday is true. i have a buddy that works at our walmart and he said that walmart supports gays more than they do others. i don't think it's right but we all know our the big corp's are. and for all the antigun people in the world they need to mind there own and leave the county boys and girls alone!!!!!

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Guest realtrhunter

Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigun

By the way I am also officially boycotting walmart. Besides the point that they are starting to cater to groups that I don't agree with,their customer service and policies are just as idiotic. Did you know you can't return more than three items without a reciept?? What is up with that guess you got to invest in a seperate billfold to care all the wally world reciepts to get your money back for all the foreign made crap that they are selling today. So much for an american company supporting americans.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunners

The same thing happened at the Wal-Mart near me. The salesman informed me that the guns were just not selling at this loacation.

So what they did, was ship all their firearms to the nearest store that was actually selling the guns. It happened to be about 20 minutes away.

So it has nothing to do with Anitgunners, just poor sales figures...no need to boycott.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunners

My main point is that there are not enough sportsmen and gun owners speaking their disgust with Wal-Mart's decision. Wal-Mart is the largest company, and yes they are attacked daily, but they have to listen to their customers.

And to the angered statements directed at me, sorry to offend you with my opinions. I am actively seeking other employment daily. Wal-Mart is always a fall back job when my wife and I relocate for her training.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn


The majority of the Walmarts in and around Oklahoma City DO NOT carry guns. I think the one in Norman and Moore does, but Purcell does not, and I know the two I frequent in the city don't carry them.

[/ QUOTE ]midwest city still carries them but their not getting anymore in stock

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunners

They're removing guns from only the stores where they're not selling enough. If a product doesn't sell, stores don't stock them.

However, in this case, guns are still a high selling item at some of their locations...mostly those in rural areas. So what Wal-Mart is doing, is shipping their inventory only to those locations...so they actually sell the guns and make a profit.

Lets not get hysterical here guys. It seems like you guys are quick to jump on the "boycott Wal-Mart" bandwagon, but you should at least research why you'd want to do it first.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

Two Wally's around here have removed all their guns and will no longer sell them. I know it's not for the fact of not selling, they can't keep them stocked for selling to many. So it's not the case of not selling it's deeper than that. It's down the political road, think back to k-mart not selling anything above a 22 rim fire bullet anymore. I hate it has come to this and I'm afraid it's only going to get worse, but of course it's the guns that kill not the people. confused.giftongue.gif

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Guest bruteshooter

Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

Everyone in western Illinois (at least my local area, which has three stores) got rid of them about a year ago. Maybe longer???

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