Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunners

Guest realtrhunter

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunners

The guns have been disappearing from Wal Mart for a while. If the ones at your store went on sale, you're lucky. Most went back to the makers.

From what I heard, it was indeed a deal with anti's. If Wal Mart got rid of them in certain stores, the anti's would back off. Of course, you are never gonna hear the exact truth.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunners

I think the Wal-Mart loyalty is just fine as long as you can defend your position justly. They have made a ton of money off the consumers and rightly so. It's called capitalism. It's how the entire country works. I just happen to disagree with their newly adopted policies. I guess what I'm saying, is being loyal is one thing but being blindly loyal to ANYTHING is unacceptable no matter the situation or employer.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunners

That ATF story is bullsht. Walmart mangement began pulling guns form shelves 6 months ago in anticipation of Billary Klinton's election. ATF aint got nothin to do with it. I stopped shopping SEARS and KMART many yrs ago when they went anti-gun pro- fatlez. Walmart's next on my list of places NOT to go. If they wanna lay down with Rosie Odonnell they can get up with empty pockets. I'll buy from mom and pop stores.

As a note I took my truck to Walmart for oil change and grease job 26.95 last monday . Paid cash. They never greased it. They are scammers is all. This has happend to me before also at other Wamart stores.

Ten yrs ago Walmart had American flags in their supercenters and promoted American products. Now it all comes from the RED CHINESE ( yeah they're STILL COMMIES).

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Guest realtrhunter

Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunners

silvertip_co.. Couldn't have said it better. The only problem is that all the mom and pop places are disapearing beacause of them. And if you say that isnt true, here is what they are doing in my area. We have a Super Walmart in my town, Carbondale. There is another one,just built 15mi to the East. Another one 25mi to the East of there. There is one regular walmart in the town just west of us. They are going to build another Super walmart only 10mi and pretty much just across town from the one in Carbondale. If that ain't monoploizing I don't know what is.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

See... they put the mom and pop gun stores out of biz and they sold the guns...for a while. Now that mom and pop are gone and wally world don't sell guns. The places to get them are severly reduced and the antis win by reducing gun stores and places that sell them without having to wait for laws to be passed.

Prett Slick huh? Like Willie!

We have to be THAT clever with our defense of OUR sport.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunners

Who cares where they spend their money? Or who they support? Did any of you start complaining when they started supporting African-American organizations? How about Latino-American organizations? I don't think so...what's the difference here? Gay rights are an important topic in our culture right now, so whether or not they support it doesn't effect me either way. So why the big uproar regarding this? Do you think they will change their strategy? We all need to remember that the US is the melting pot of the world. That's what makes us great.

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Guest realtrhunter

Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunners

I do support the local dealers when I can. I have only bought on gun from walmart and that was my first one, it was all I could afford at the time. I also don't agree with them supporting African-American, Latino-American, and Gay Right Organizations. Not that I am prejiduce, but it seems that those are the groups that always seam to be complaining instead of doing something to better things. When was the last time anyone has had to go to Ethics training for a duragitory comment made to a white by a black person. Where are all the holidays that celibrate the things that whites have done?????

The big uproar is that now the largest employer and company in the US is aligning itself with organizatrions and people that want to see our sport taken away, and for no one to have guns, except the government.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

I have bought guns all over the country INCLUDING my local dealer. Now If I see something I want, at the right price I buy it, regardless of who is selling it, as long as its legal grin.gif I picked up a Weatherby Vanguard in 7mm Rem mag at Walmart for $299. Anyone would've bought that gun at that price.

It is much more than accepting gay people JDAWG, that gay curiculum is being pushed in schools and little kids do not need to know what Adam and Steve did. They should be learning about Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

Contributions from companies like Walmart help propogate that thinking. The gay population is such a small percentage of the country, so why do they have the voice/power that they do? They are well organized thats why. The squeeky wheel gets the grease.

I do NOT have to accept that lifestyle and it is mine and others perogitive to speak against it and keep it out of our schools.

As far as America being a melting pot... for immigrants,what country did the gay people come from?

I need to know where NOT to go on vacation grin.gif

Besides not everything people on the board are against is posted here. I write many letters expressing opinions to companies/banks/gov't that get my money.

BTW, the whole gay and anti gun thing seem to go hand in hand...Coincidence? Ask Rosie.

Last election in November,

One openly gay architect in weschester county put $500,000 into John Hall's(D-NY) campaign because Sue Kelly (incumbant R-NY) was opposed to gay marrage. This guy made it his mission to elect Hall. John Hall won with ease and now John Hall is one of the anti gun peole in congress and is in Hillary and Schumers stable.

Now tell me it don't matter.

See how it comes full circle?

This is just ONE circumstance.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn


it is mine and others perogitive

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As it is a gay person's prerogative to do what they choose. But, I'm sure you've never taken the time to consider that, because if you did, I'm sure you'd realize how truly hypocritical that is. smirk.gif

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

You are right..that is a bit hypocritical and I was wrong.

I need to be more careful with my words.

What I meant to say is that it is my right to not have THAT pushed on my kids thru school and agendas such as the ones certain stores are promoting.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn


What I meant to say is that it is my right to not have THAT pushed on my kids thru school and agendas such as the ones certain stores are promoting.

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Using that line of thought...it would then be fair for a homosexual to say "it is my right to not have HETEROSEXUAL ideals pushed on my kids thru school and agendas such as the ones certain stores are promoting." That wouldn't be right either.

What I'm getting here, is there's all sorts of people in the world, the key is learning how to except them or if you can't handle that, ignore them.

That's sorta why I take on a "live and let live" philosophy. I can preach all I want, but at the end of the day, who am I to say who is right and who is wrong? I'm not a Bible scholar, but I've heard a quote that goes something like "those who have never sinned cast the first stone."

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

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What I'm getting here, is there's all sorts of people in the world, the key is learning how to except them or if you can't handle that, ignore them.

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Thats all fine and dandy, but how could you accept or ignore it if that is being teached in the schools and the schools asking permission to share the "Rainbow teachings"? "Heather has 2 mommies" and "Dads room mate" books for kids to read.

Tell me you want your kids learning that from someone other than you?

Thats in your face..how do you ignore that?

My school tax $$$, you don't want to know what I pay in school tax. The 6th highest in the nation.

What if we as hunters pushed OUR lifestyle down others throats?

Oh, No we can't do that...that would be wrong, but they can push that lifestlye on us and even try and indoctrinate it into the school curiculum.

Its much more than live and let live... its not that simple.

I don't hate 'em...just don't want it pushed my way or something unnatural taught to my kids. Thats all.

Look, I live in the suburban NYC area, you don't have to tell me about tolerance I know ALL about it.

Also, I don't want to be patronizing a store that uses its profits to promote beliefs other than mine.

I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

I guess since gay people are obviously part of society, teaching children the meaning of it, and what to expect and why seems like a good thing to do. That way, they learn to accept it and thus they won't turn Wal-Mart anti gun threads into gay bashing threads as well. Because try and try as you may...gay people are going to be around, so why try and hide that from your children? Eventually, they'll learn about all sorts of things you won't want them to.


What if we as hunters pushed OUR lifestyle down others throats?

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You really think the homosexual community cares enough to try and force their lifestyle on you? Really?


just don't want it pushed my way or something unnatural taught to my kids.

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I see where you're coming from here, to a point. But I also think it's very naive to not realize that your children will be exposed to many things you won't want them to be exposed to. You can only hope that your influence is enough to help them make the right choices.


Look, I live in the suburban NYC area, you don't have to tell me about tolerance I know ALL about it.

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In reading your post, I really don't pick up much "tolerance" and I read it twice.


Also, I don't want to be patronizing a store that uses its profits to promote beliefs other than mine.

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That's completely your choice and preference...but when you make said choices and preferences known to the public in the way that you did, there's obviously alterior motives for doing it.

If you read what I've said, I never said it's not OK for you to have your own opinion...I'm all for free speech. I just ask that you realize that life is a two-way street and that saying that only you can voice your opinions and ideas about what is "right" in your mind is a very hypocritical thing to do.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

Muggs you are right about only one thing to me.

We have hijacked this thread enough...apologies to the original poster


I'll keep my points of view and you keep yours. If I had no tolerance...I wouldn't be able to live where I do live...so read it again and again and again. No tolerance I would move..Get it? If you lived in the populace I did, you might have different views being constantly inundated with gay issues, its much different in middle America than here in the metro NYC area.

Lets agree to disagree...OK?

You with your points of view, could vote Hillary/liberal come time, and support those similiar points of view on gays and teaching of the gay lifestyle to kids in school. Not me.

No conservative candidates speaking the way you are, just Hillary and her ilk.

Liberalism, gun control/anti hunting, go hand in hand, funny... you haven't addressed that point.

Me, I will vote pro gun, anti abortion and anti gay rights. Adam and Eve...not Adam and Steve.

God Bless America da da da da da daa daa daa da daa daa grin.gif

We should go back and forth in a PM mode, this way we will spare others our banter.

I'll stop responding to this post now and ONLY reply in PM mode on this topic.

Better yet... you could respond last to this post and feel like you've won...How about that? wink.gif

I'll let you take the LAST shot.

Gimme your best tongue.gif

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

Believe it or not I agree with Both of you. AND I'm not saying that I agree with where they spend their money, BUT I understand that this is the way our country is. I would rather teach tolerance to my children than teach them ignorance. I vote pro-gun as well. I love hunting and fishing like everyone else on this website. I don't want my rights taken away either. But we as humans need to tolerate each other. This is what our country is built on.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

I just found out from my local wally world, that the reason they stopped selling firearms is. Walmart was being POUNDED by the ATF because of paper work not being filled out properly. Not every walmart was doing this just a certain ones. They also said for what they were being fined for, they just didnt sell enough guns to make it worth while.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

lifenra probably hit the nail on the head. atf is after them to do it right. wal mart is in the business of making money. they want to use the space allotted to make the most dollars profit, with the least expenses and the fewest employees, who are paid the least. simple business fact. i always buy from my local small store, just because i'm willing to pay more for the personal touch.

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Guest realtrhunter

Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

When I started this thread I was just bringing the situation to light. If I the only place to buy a gun is at the local dealer then that is fine. I do not mind buying my equipment from them. But, there are those that can't afford to buy equipment from the local dealer. If walmart was doing this only because of ATF pressure you would think that they would have wanted to do it rihgt from the start and wold have regulated themselves to make sure it was done correctly. I am still sticking with my original theory that there is another motive at work here.

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Re: Local Walmart possibly hooked up with Antigunn

Got E mail reply from Wal-Mart.... said I would post it.

Thank you for your message.

Wal-Mart strives to provide merchandise to meet consumer demand in a given community. In late 2005, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. made a business decision to remove firearms from select locations within the U.S. This decision is based solely on diminished customer relevancy and demand in multiple markets. The removal of merchandise for fiscal year FY07 began March 6, 2006.

We strive to be a Store of the Community by providing products that are relevant to the customer needs in a particular market. This simply means that our merchandise selections reflect the items that our customers want to buy. As with any merchandise decision that we make, the decision to remove firearms was based on diminished customer demand for firearms in impacted local communities.

We recognize that customers have depended on Wal-Mart for over 40 years to supply sporting goods of all kinds and we will continue to stock ammunition and accessories.

Thank you,

Customer Relations

For further correspondence regarding this issue, please reply to this email.

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