Xtended Range Shells

Guest turkeyhntr

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Guest turkeyhntr


I have two guns that I am really happy with and was just wondering if anyone has been happy with the Winchester Xtended Range ammo.....

I have shoot kicks and winchester combo for years and am thinking about changing over the the xtended range 3" #6 shoot in my 870 set up from the 3" #6 shoot HV load.

My 935 I shoot #4 Winchester HV 3 1/2 and they do great...the #5 HV Winchester peroforms great also...but it is nice to have that pound of the 4 shoot....

I spent many days and dollars getting these guns set up and they shoot wonderful but was just wondering if I should spend the time and dollars on the xtended range...to be honest with you as long as we shoot at turkeys 40 yards and under I think we are all fine...but I am one of those pellet counters and shooters that is addicted to turkey gun set ups and turkey hunting...any advice or experience will be greatly appreciated!!!

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Re: Xtended Range Shells

They are expensive shells. But, the testing I have done with them has shown between 10%-15% more pellets on target at 40 yards than the Winchester Supreme lead loads. Bottom line is.....the Xtended Range stuff does what they say. You have to decide if the difference in performance is worth the difference in price.

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Re: Xtended Range Shells

I shot the Winchester Supreme #5's for several years and they always did the job. I bit the bullet last year and decided to try the X-tended Range. The consistency of my patterns, especially at longer distances, improved by 20%. They put three down last year and will be back in the chamber next month.

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Guest Turkey_Hunter_4_U

Re: Xtended Range Shells

I started out shooting 3 1/2" Winchester Supreme #4 and they performed great for me. I've shoot the X-tended Range #5's for the past 2 seasons and have made a couple of impressive shoots out past 40 yards (62 and 53 paces to be exact). I'm going back to the Supreme #4's for this season, because I've killed the most of my birds inside of 40 yards. With my XX-Full Comp-n-Choke and the Supreme #4's, my Benelli patterns well out to 50 yards. Beside the fun and excitement come from calling that Big Tom in super close and wondering if he can hear your heart beating. Make your decision quick so you get you gun patterned. Good Hunting this season. cool.gif

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Re: Xtended Range Shells

Keep in mind that all turkey guns won't like them. Every shotgun is different.

I patterned some Win. Supreme Elite Xtended Range shells with my 1187 with a 660 Rhino choke this past weekend and the results were pretty poor. Mater of fact, the poorest pattern I've ever seen out of my turkey gun. No uniformity in pattern (holes in the shot pattern too) and after sighting them in, a very poor pellet count at 40 yards. Needless to say, I won't be shooting them at birds.

BTW, the Remington copper plated, buffered shot put them to shame out of my turkey gun.

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Re: Xtended Range Shells


BTW, the Remington copper plated, buffered shot put them to shame out of my turkey gun.

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Which just goes to show...............no matter how many gun/load/choke combo's a guy has tested........your own results may go against everything that is the expected norm. I quit testing Remingtons a few years back because they shot like crap in every combo I tried them in. frown.gif I always ended up shooting the rest of them at crows or something. I would never, ever (from my own experiences) suggest anyone even bother trying a Remington lead shotshell. But in Rhino's case..........they are the goods. Go figger. crazy.gif

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Re: Xtended Range Shells


I would never, ever (from my own experiences) suggest anyone even bother trying a Remington lead shotshell.

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Yep...go figure. That's exactly what I was thinking about Winchester shells after that 18th Winchester Supreme Elite Xtended Range shell I shot this past weekend. crazy.gifgrin.gif

I guess that means the ones I have left are still good for crows. grin.gif That's awefully expensive crow ammo though.

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Re: Xtended Range Shells


Send those bad boys to me before you throw em into the fire... they are better than gold to me!

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Better PM me a snail mail addy then Doc. I have a full box and 2 shells left from another box and the fire is getting hot. grin.gif

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Re: Xtended Range Shells



Crap!! Too late. frown.gif I was gonna send you some of them scrap Remington's fer 'em. grin.gif

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Not too late yet....we can make a trade. wink.gif

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Aw.........I'm just jagging you, Rhino. wink.gif Go ahead and square it up with Exturkinator. I think I flung all my junk Remingtons at crows and possums by now, anyways. grin.gif

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Re: Xtended Range Shells




Crap!! Too late. frown.gif I was gonna send you some of them scrap Remington's fer 'em. grin.gif

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Not too late yet....we can make a trade. wink.gif

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Aw.........I'm just jagging you, Rhino. wink.gif Go ahead and square it up with Exturkinator. I think I flung all my junk Remingtons at crows and possums by now, anyways. grin.gif

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I figured as much with the way you bad mouthed them in the 1st place. wink.gifgrin.gif

They might shoot out of my son's turkey gun so I need to check with him 1st anyway. He would be diggin into my shells anyway or expecting me to buy him some shells. You never seem to wean them even when they've got a job. crazy.gif

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