Update on my little Girl!


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As many of you remember we had a big scare with our 17-month old. A "Specialist" told my wife that we could have very serious problems and even incurable disease. He even told us that she was extremely malnourished, her head was to big, etc.

We were both scared to death as you can imagine. It literally ate us alive. The very next morning my wife had a talk with our family doctor. She (the doc) requested the notes from the Specialist meeting. Once she read through them she said there was nothing to worry about, according to the notes.

Our daughter had also been diagnosed as lactose intolerant. She hadn't had dairy in roughly 2-months while we were waiting on this "Specialist."

Come to find out my knee jerk reaction was on the money..... They guy was an IDIOT. We waited over a month for results and they NEVER sent them. My wife finally called our family doc and she (the doc) called in and got the results.... Everything is a negative. These people are worthless. Our doc was even mad because this guy and his office went over a month without contacting us with any results. Their excuse was the test weren't finished yet.....but they were trying to snow over another doctor. We knew better too. Worthless outfits.

Anyway, immediately the next day (when my wife went to the family psy) they decided to put Gracey back on dairy. Our doctor said it could be a transition from Baby food and soft foods to stuff more solid that was upsetting her stomach. After about a week of dairy everything went back to normal. I guess it was just the transition.

Now a few months later she has grown a few inches, gained weight, and everything is great. She never truly measured undersized or anything, she was NEVER malnourished, and according to our Doctor she never had symptoms of half the stuff this "Specialist" said she had. Apparently he just wanted to run the test. Our baby has been fine all along......

So thank you Dr. moron for scaring a mommy and daddy half to death. But with everything in my heart, Thank you Lord for my little two foot bundle of perfection.

.....Oh...... and the specialist office finally called my wife with results last week after our doctor called and crawled their rears. They tried to schedule us a follow up appointment.... crazy.gif

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Re: Update on my little Girl!

Great news, I hate doctors like that.

As for the big head, just tell them to look at dad! laugh.gif

Go love on that little one extra special today.

We had the same thing when my wife was preggo. Doctor's office said that an antibody titer came back positive. That meant that her body could be trying to reject the baby. False positive.

I only get excited after the second opinion on that stuff, so many times they are wrong. But in the doctor's defense, he/she may have alerted out of an abundance of caution or sincerely believed there was a problem.


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Re: Update on my little Girl!


As for the big head, just tell them to look at dad! laugh.gif

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You laugh, but seriously, my head is huge for my size. "Looks like Sputnic"

He was taking the size of her head into relation with her body. Her head is in the 57% range but she is short..... Um, im just a fuzz under 5'-8". My sister is 5'-2". All of my first Cousins are tiny, and my aunt (that was just killed in a car crash) was about 5' and probably 95lbs.... tongue.gif

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Re: Update on my little Girl!

Great news Jeramie! What a relief....Whew!

Lactose intolerant is common.

My oldest boy(squirrelhunter91) was too. Projectile vomiting was common until we got to the bottom of it. We went thru many formulas until the DR. finally figured it out. He was put on Nutramigen, hypo allergenic formula. 15 years ago it was $35 for 6 quarts, I can only imagine what it costs now.

BTW, Joe is fine as he grew up with the intolerance. He was skinny and dairy products help put on fat, so he was on the bony side. He was always below the growth chart the DR. had in the office, but look at him now, he is as big as me and eats like a horse and craps like a mule. He ate NO dairy products as a youngster. Now he eats icecream, drinks milk with no adverse results, except for the by product... the methane that he emits all too often when he consumes dairy grin.gif

Your girl will be OK, God Bless her and good luck.

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Re: Update on my little Girl!


Jeramie that is great news..........Congrats........I would have thrown a fit if they jerked me around like they did you guys that is rediculous.

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At the end of the day it doesn't do any good. People keep using this guy so id just be a speck of sand on the beach.

Id still like to run into him in a dark alley...

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Re: Update on my little Girl!


Jeramie my friend that is great news! Tears at your heart to see a little one hurting and not knowing what to do let alone a doctor who doesn't know either or gives out false information.

Glad to hear things are going well and I can imagine you and the wife are sleeping better now!

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We sleep much better! The best news is knowing nothing is or ever was wrong with my baby.

Honestly, I love my wife but I had NO idea how much you could truly love someone. That baby holds me in the palm of her hand.

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