Open sights and glasses


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I was out muzzle loading yesterday when a nice mature doe came out about 50 yards in front of me and presented a pretty easy shot. When I brought the gun up to fire the deer disapeard into the background. I couln't focus on her and the sights at the same time at all.

When I looked up there she was. As soon as my head went down on the gun and I looked down the barrel I could no longer see the deer. It was quite painfull. 10 years ago it would have been an easy shot, but I let her walk because I knew that I would just be guessing.

I guess I'm going to have to get a scope on it next year, maybe just a red dot, but for some reason I just can't shoot open sights at that distance.

Does anyone else have this problem?

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Re: Open sights and glasses

Dont know about that. Never had any troubles with any open sights. Have tru glo sights on the black diamond and see through mounts.

Have had some problems in the past few years though with my eyes doing some funny stuff in relation to the reticles in the scope on my .270. The reticles will fade away on me sometimes. Pretty weird really, the only gun/scope I have a problem with.

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Re: Open sights and glasses

John, sorry to hear about the doe, but sounds like you made a good decision to let her walk. As far as your vision.. consider trying some factory made fiber optics, there are several varieties which will help to ease the strain of your eye against the image you are looking at... I'll try and find a post for you, I also no there was an episode on "American Shooter" OLN that discussed eye compensation problems.

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